Designing 3d home modelsDancingCookingEatingshoppingand enjoying my friends and familyLAYOUT
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
I'd like to meet some cool people who are looking to meet some cool people.Feelin Old School?
I like any music that can get my booty shakin
My favorite movies would have to be, hmmmm, let me see...*The color Purple*Scarface*The "Friday" Series*Nepoleon Dynamite*Claudine*Crash*Earthquake Standup (pure comedy)*Steel Magnolias*Dead Presidents*Do The Right Thing*Training Day,*Boys in the Hood*Love Jones the list goes on and on...
I support all black actors on television. So if you have a show, I've seen it in support of.
Child of God has to be my favorite book of all time (a must read) justbefore Coldest Winter Ever. If you've never read either one, youre missingout. Both kept my attention from beginning to end. Dont sleep on these twoclassics.
Mom and Dad are my heroes. Enough said.