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I'm based in sunny South Manchester, UK. My first interest in VJ'ing was in 2001 after a house party, I thought why not do a gig to raise some cash for charity, run some VJ software on my knackered PC, an old bedsheet as a screen and a borrowed extra large projector. The gig was a sucess and we raised 500 for the Big Issue.
Since then I have been a regular visuals contributor to Lotta-Continua's "Burst Couch" Experimental Electronic gigs, Hippocamp's "Hippocamp Green Night" (both based in Manchester) plus many more.
I've been VJ'ing on a regular basis, running VJ workshops, organised charity gigs and built robots for theatre companies.
Hosted by eSnips
Here's some photos from Oct 06 STFU at Helsinki, featuring HOLLOWSPHERE Visuals
.. STFU_Helsinki2006
Hosted by eSnips
Hollowsphere use