Music, Art, Games (RPG's, PC & Video Games), Drinking...(PBR, Killians, Capt. Morgan, Old Style, Red Stripe), sitting down with a good cigar, Futbol(Soccer), Collecting various forms of Geekdom, Anime, Civil, Human and workers rights... working like a dog.
^^^Now only if it worked with PS3^^^
:::What Else I'm Playing:::
Fight Night Round 3 = PS3
Dragon Quest 8, DDR = PS2
Winning Eleven 9, Final Fantasy = PSP
... more Skins, and other cool people too (Punks, Goths, Geeks, Rudies, Psycho and Rockabillies, etc.) artists, models, other Football fans.
Just no fuckin nazis or racists... I have no time for your bullshit.
Dropkick Murphys, Agnostic Front, Madball, Distillers, Angelic Upstarts, Black Flag, Blood in/Blood out (LPC HC), Whiskey Riot (SBI Punk), Squared Off, Fear City, Flatfoot56, Deadline, The Deadly Sins, The Business, StrayCats, Sham 69, CockSparrer, The Real McKenzies, The Tossers, Tech N9ne, Buddy Holly, Sworn Enemy, Hatebreed, Iron Maiden, Oxymoron, Stiff Little Fingers, Flogging Molly, Frank Sinatra, Louis Prima, Nekromantix, Tiger Army, Matisyahu, Twista, Ice Cube, Henry Rollins, Rev. Horton Heat, Horrorpops, The Specials, The Toasters, Bad Manners, Desmond Dekker, Toots and The Maytals, Johnny Cash, The Clash, Neil Young, Bella Fleck and the Flecktones, Frank Zappa, Traditional Bagpipes... ...mostly underground heavy stuff (Punk, Hardcore, Oi!, Metal) but i also like Blues, Reggae, Ska, Swing, Rap (yeah i said it got a problem?) and others. my musical tastes are all over the place
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Apocalypse Now: Redux, A Clockwork Orange, The Quiet Man, SLC Punk, Braveheart, Enenmy at the Gates, 300, Sin City, 28 days Later, Spawn, Full Metal Jacket, Hellboy, Shaun of the Dead, Walk The Line, Final Fantasy Advent Children, The Last Samurai, From Hell, The Punisher, Boondock Saints, Goodnight & Goodluck, Gangs of New York, Snatch, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Gladiator, Sleepy Hallow, Pirates 1,2,& 3, Glory,... I'm getting into artzier movies more and more
PBS, Discovery Channel, AMC, History Channel, Comedy Central,....
Anything by Harry Turtledove--
How Few Remain
Great War Series:
American Front, Walk in Hell Breakthroughs
American Empire Series:
Blood and Iron, The Center Cannot Hold, The Victorious Opposition
Settling Accounts Series:
Return Engagement, Drive To the East, The Grapple
The Art of War, The 5 Rings, Lord of the Rings, Beowulf, Macbeth, History of Pirates, Hellboy; On Earth as it is in Hell, The Zombie Survival Guide, The Necronomicon, Alzered: Author of The Necronomicon, The Works of H.P. Lovecraft
Lots and lots of RPG's from Palladium Books
My grandfather (RIP), General Sherman, General Patton, William Wallace, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Blue collar workers around the globe, and my friends, because they keep me going.
and The Punisher, (Frank Castle)... ... Yes I listed a comic book character. You got a problem with that?