About me,ROBERTA F., ever since I was a little girl, been to many pow wow's throw out North America. Then I was put into barrel racing competitions and love the rodeo life. Then I became a teenage mother, went back to school and some how it came to me!1993 I got into modeling, I even did fashion show's for talent show's in High School and was published in the newspaper as model. Then I got into a model agency,thanks to my grandparents.Been employed as a real model,been in fashion show's and beauty competitions PUBLISHED in local magazines and calendars,public speaking,hostess.I have also been employed as a background proformer in flim/tv and trained as a actor since 1997,but didn't want to take on lead roles yet. Now it's time for me to start walking and taking big steps.....As a actor.....I know the bussiness but I belive in myself and it's my fate!!!!!I have taste,class and character! My tremendous talents,lol how vain but,I know everybody has many different talents. I'm not a role model and won't pretend to be something am not,I'm only human and I'm going to enjoy my life here on earth! My family had a great part in bring the North American Indians into the Calgary Exhibition & Stampede in 1905, Chief Big Belly of the Tssu T'ina Nation got all the Treaty seven Indians Stoney, Blood, Peigans,Blackfoot into the Stampede to be in the parade and camp there for days and entertain for the europeans.My GreatGrand parents the late Frank and Mary Onespot were the founders of the T'suu Tina rodeo and pow wow, the Native friendship center,Plains Indian Culture Suriver School and were goodwill ambassadors and they played a great part in my life when I was a little girl.... I thank them all for what they did for our Native people.Oh yeah CANADA IS TRUE CREE TERRITORY,the treaty seven's were pushed up here to the true CREE TERRITORY by the troops, so don't for get that.All native tribes are still living in third world conditions.. Oh hell yeah, I have nothing to hide you hear me!!! /
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