Likes: Rosie, Free Parking, Monopoly, causing trouble, making fun of people who post "comment my picture bulletins", people falling over, being better than others at things, cheesecake, clean sheets, my car, girls over the age of 33.Dislikes: Girls under the age of 33, anyone who uses the word "trashy", "trashbag" or the phrase "what a trashy weekend",parking officers, the French, Emo's, people that steal my P plates, Dragonfly doorstaff,people who cant drive but do it anyway, people who post pointless bulletins saying "im bored" or post stupid surveys about themselves which no one cares about, Stupid girls who ask for comments of there pictures (if we wanted to comment your pictures we would of done it ages ago, deflate your ego and have sex with a spoon)
Unless you are at least 33 years have no chance with me
Star Wars for its facts and its relevance to todays society
Reading is for people who dont understand cartoons i mean seriously what would you prefer???