In the late Summer of 2005 Rob Pope and Curt Brown joined forces to produce one of the greatest bands in Tuscaloosa. A week later Curt ran into a friend that played bass, soon after that John David Kirkland became the bass player for the project. After joining the band John David brings in a friend to audition for the bands drummer, a few days later the band welcomes Craig (Vegg) Haney to its line up. The last member came at the first practice when guitarist Michael Barber sat in on the session, at that moment we knew it was complete. Sadly, in the Summer of 2006, Michael and Vegg had to move on, but that did not slow Skipp Griffin. Skipp Griffin joined forces with THE DREW DYE to create a monster sound, and huge waves in the music scene in Tuscaloosa. Recently Skipp Griffin has added Rusty Beech, previously of AAT, to play guitar.You can catch Skipp Griffin at many local Tuscloosa venues such as The Coppertop, The Filling Station, The Library, and Harry's Bar.This is SKIPP GRIFFIN
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