As i said b4 i love to play video games.I think video games is the thing that ignite the pc world.It's the reason why hardware developers trying to built better and by far superior pc.
I really love to meet a Swimsuit model to be girl out there.A model is enough though.The pretty ones are most welcomes.
For the time being,acting like a teen,i love rebel music.Hard core?Punk?Nue Metal?Old skool?love em all.yet sometimes,when the mood changes.i really kinda like to hear songs that ca touch my heart deeply. =( lol As if were true!!!!
Dont really care about movies.
I HaTe tv''s the reason why a received terrible grade in schools.Aside from playin' video games that is.I really curse the one who invented the tv since coz i seems to spent most of my youth life in front of it.
Harry Potter maybe????
My Self.Yes i am indeed an unknown HeRo.Maybe some day people will acknowledge my existence.Thus making me popular amongs the girl.