.-'*||| jeouze |||*'-. profile picture

.-'*||| jeouze |||*'-.

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm indeed a boring person.i only talks about games n stuff related to it.I also like to talk abut girls.it's just my nature as a guy.
Which Royalty Are You? Find out! By Nishi .

My Interests

As i said b4 i love to play video games.I think video games is the thing that ignite the pc world.It's the reason why hardware developers trying to built better and by far superior pc.

I'd like to meet:

I really love to meet a Swimsuit model to be girl out there.A model is enough though.The pretty ones are most welcomes.


For the time being,acting like a teen,i love rebel music.Hard core?Punk?Nue Metal?Old skool?love em all.yet sometimes,when the mood changes.i really kinda like to hear songs that ca touch my heart deeply. =( lol As if were true!!!!


Dont really care about movies.


I HaTe tv's.it's the reason why a received terrible grade in schools.Aside from playin' video games that is.I really curse the one who invented the tv since coz i seems to spent most of my youth life in front of it.


Harry Potter maybe????


My Self.Yes i am indeed an unknown HeRo.Maybe some day people will acknowledge my existence.Thus making me popular amongs the girl.

My Blog

retired main warcraft3...

aku dah retired dari menjadi seorang pemain warcraft3 profesional.aku ingatkan pastuh boleh la focus study ker aper.rupenyer samer gak.cam siot jerk.skang nih aku dah start main final fantasy online p...
Posted by .-'*||| jeouze |||*'-. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST