my wife,dums,family and friends......
[JESUS]when he returns,brian moore and many more
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? strawberry smoothie
Birthday: 08/23/82
Color ? brown
Food ? chicken cheese steak
Item of clothing ? my h+m dress shirt
Meal of the day ? a sand from the quickie mart
Feature on yourself ? my arms
Quality in a guy/girl ? her life style
Phrase ? 'like'
Song ? crazy over you by 112
Musical Artist/Band ? mint condition
Sport ? basketball
Movie ? comig to america
TV Show ? good times
Radio Station ? 103.9
Type of Chocolate ? white
Eye Color ? dark brown
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? yea
Pepsi or Coke: neither
Have any piercings ? yea 3
Have any tatoos ? yea alot
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend not this one
Cappuccino or Coffee: neither
Do you Smoke: nope
Gone skinny dipping ? with my wife
Been to Europe ? not yet
Been to an island ? soon i will be
Had stitches ? yea bout 9 in my upper right lip
Broken any bones ? no
Been stabbed/shot ? yea stabbed with a pencil
Slept until after 12:00 ? yea
Stayed up all night ? oh yea
Do you think you are Attractive: oh yea
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? no
Turned down a dare ? no
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? me
Is the prettiest ? me
Is the most handsom ? me
Is the loudest ? me
Is the craziest ? me
Is the most shy ? me
Is the most loving ? my wife and me
Is the most understanding ? my wife
Is the most boring ? dnt know
Is the richest ? me
Is the most athletic ? my boy reggie
Is the most cocky ? reggie
Ever been Drunk: oh yea many of times
Is the most wordly/cultured ? shaun
Do you look up to the most ? my heavenly father
Do you tell everything to ? dnt know
Has the best clothes ? shaun
Has the best house ? me
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? yea
Kiss someone of the same sex ? yea my dad that bout it
Cheat on someone you love ? no
Run away from home ? no
Lie to your parents ? not now
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? not to this one
Lie to your best friend ? naw
Give a homeless person money ? yea
Run from the police ? i have
Bungee jump ? i have
Sky dive ? want to
Cross dress ? nope
Be an exotic dancer ? thought bout it but no
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? lol been there done that
Scuba dive ? want to
Go rock climbing ? i have
Go spulunking (caving) ? no
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? gay
Bologna ? fried on two peaces of bread
Hott ? my job
Orange ? the color of my next snare drum
Real world ? irulan
Jack ? ass
Cucumber ? salad
Hip-Hop ? drums
Uniform ? work
UniCORN ! ? the devil
Rainbow ? GODS promis to never flod the earth
Clown ? the devil
gospal,jazz,r/b,punk,techno,heavy meatal,rock,classical and pop......
coming to america,in going to get u sucker and many more......
bill cosby,good times and many more......
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