Animals. Stupid animals, nice animals, clever animals, funny-looking animals, animals in the shape of something else, tiny animals, colour animals, animals things, homing animals, homo animals, bad animals, dirty animals, good animals, big fat animals, animal winners, animal losers, head animals, animals drinking fizzy drinks, animals eating, animals drinking, animals singing songs, animals playing the awld joanna, animals driving cars, new animals, old animals, fake animals, stuffed animals, drawed animals, animals in uniform, animals in any kind of human attire at all - I really find it immensley amusing, I really do.I also like green and yellow and knitting and cooking and the countryside. and toys (*^.^*)
A good woman. I just want a good woman.
I like Royal Trux and CSS.
Secretary, Grizzly Man and A Series of Unfortunate Events.
A series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. The Scheme for Full Employment by Magnus Mills. Let It Blurt : The Life and Times of Lester Bangs by Jim Derogatis. Happy Kitty Bunny Pony, Pop Ink.     Â
Lester Bangs and my daddy.