Hey, check out my blog at http://sweetbrierscraps.blogspot.com I have small business and some of my work is displayed there.
I love to scrapbook, create things with my hands, strip (oh, you!) and refinish furniture, make primitive dolls, anything crafty. I like to decorate my home, cook, read, sing and especially spend time with my family. Love to watch my husband play baseball, play board games with my daughter and peek a boo with my baby boy. I am game for almost anything really!
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My Scottish ancestors that first came to this country and migrated west, My Grandpa Zeph and Nanny when they were young, Shakespeare, Jesus, Becky Higgins, Linda Ronstadt, Gavin DeGraw, Princess Diana, oh just take a look . . .
Love, love music. Used to be a voice major in college. I sang arias, art songs, learned to sing in a few languages, developed a healthy appreciation for lots of music. I even sang in a rock/pop band in college!! I was a groupie too and danced with Lenny Kravitz. Quite the night for a classical voice student!!
These days I am singin along to these ladies . . .
Can't get enough of these guys!! These movies are GREAT . . .
I am getting really impatient waiting for the new season!
There are two shows that I CANNOT miss! Grey's Anatomy and The Amazing Race. I am so hooked on those shows, I need help. My sister and I watch them and then call each other on the phone to talk about the incredible moments that just took place! I also enjoy The Medium, really good show. Shows no longer around that were great; Buffy, Angel, FireFly, X Files. And then there is the mindless channel surfing, always enjoyable once the kids are in bed!
I really enjoy reading, but have little time for it. Used to be into the Dune books, the Lord of the Rings books, Stephen King stories, and others. Now, I struggle to get through chapter books with my 6 year old! I do really enjoy the Harry Potter series, good material for all ages.
I am just starting a vampire book called "The Historian." It's really long and really good - should get me through the summer!
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A Appreciative
R Rich
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