Going to the theatre, cinema, pub, clubs, concerts, gardening, macrame, origami, the life cycle of the dung beetle, trainspotting, the history of the anorak, stuffing crabs, mince.
My doppelganger ....... as that would be really freaky, and I could attempt to psychoanalyze my alter ego .... how I'd do that I don't know as I don't know how to analyze anything, though I could empathise with the psycho bit :)
A wide variety of music, too many to list, as I find I can appreciate most genres.
Again a wide range in this subject ..... from Singing in the rain to Pulp Fiction and many more besides. Just seen V for Vendetta, and was very impressed. Not too keen on Horror movies, but have been known to watch some ........ Oooooooooooooh ...... BOO!!
Comedies, dramas, documentaries, films .... depending on my mood as to what I watch, or what my kids will let me watch when they've got the remote!
They'll only let me have the soft padded ones from E.L.C.
Superman, Wonder Woman, Bill & Ben, Mr Ben, Dougal, Mittens, Tarka the Otter, Dangermouse & Penfold.