Welcome to the NUTTY MAIN EVENTS page!! My name is NUTTY and i am the owner of NUTTY MAIN EVENTS! Let me explain NUTTY MAIN EVENTS to you. NUTTY MAIN EVENTS OFFERS : PROMOTIONS , STREET TEAM , BOOKING , MODELING , ARTIST MANGEMENT , ARTIST DEVELOPMENT , MAGER EVENT PLANNING AND ETC. NUTTY MAIN EVENTS is a small business located in DETROIT MICHIGAN. NUTTY MAIN EVENTS has been in business for TWO YEARS. Please feel free to leave A message and number with what u think NUTTY MAIN EVENTS can do for you... NUTTY MAIN EVENTS is here to show people that if there's a will there is a way....While Nutty Main Events makes it easy to submit for any opportunity in the Message Box, it is always best to do your own research before making a submission. Contact Nutty Main Events directly if you have additional questions about their opportunity. Discussing an opportunity with its promoter can help you to determine if it is right for you. It is also often the first building block of your relationship and will make it a lot easier to connect with the promoter if you have future questions or are interested in other opportunities they may be hosting. Having constructive interactions with promoters is a key element in forming long-lasting relationships.Resolving a Conflict
You deal with a lot of different personalities in the music world, so it's understandable that the relationship-building process can get frustrating, but there are productive ways to focus on the things you can affect positively. If you have a question or concern about a specific opportunity it's always best to contact the promoter directly to get any info straight from them.Email: [email protected] YOU ,