Robert Taylor, Jr. profile picture

Robert Taylor, Jr.

Pop/R & B entertainer

About Me


Me & Kat Deluna on the "Whine Up" video shoot 6/07Donovan Knowles (YesZir...Beyonces Producer/Cousin) 10/07Mr. Mental Supreme 10/07Me, J-Hatch, Chalant, & Reality (SRC Records)

| Check me out in Kat DeLuna's "Whine Up" videoThe Robert Taylor, Jr. Reel Me performing "Get Down 2Nite" & "Get Em', Girl" 3/31/07* working on some choreo....

"Hey Young Girl"

Brian Green, myself, the WYLd chILd, and his boy.....workin on freestyle and learning from Brian Green

My Interests


Member Since: 3/28/2006
Band Website:
Influences:Me performing on MTV's "Say What? Karaoke" 2.0
mE peRfOrMiNg foR "FaCEs iN tHe cRoWd" sHoWcAse
mE On AmERIcAn IdOl (Season 3) mAkInG it tO tHe LaSt 87 CoNTEsTaNtS...tHis waS a cRaZy MoMeNt Here....Say What? Karaoke

| Me performing on MTV's "Say What? Karaoke" 2003
mE reHeArSiNg wItH oNe Of mY daNcErS...jIhAn......
Teaching a lil' sump'n sump'n to my dance troupe, Dance2XS, preparing for Carnival (April 2006). That wuz fun
Type of Label: None