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well, i l0ve myself.. thers only 0ne kRistEL.. one true me.. im pr0ud of being KriStEL and just t0uching people's lives.. i want people t0 smile whenever they see me, or atleast realize that life is really special.. that it isnt that bad at all.. that therE's n0 reas0n t0 cry and hate the w0rld.. i try t0 live my life that way.. full 0f h0pe and satisfacti0n.. its better than t0 live life with fear and anger ryt? well.. God sustains me.. kn0wing that He died f0r me t0 save me fr0m all 0f my sins.. thats just s0 perfect.. and having a man t0 back me up.. d0nt have anything t0 ask f0r nym0r.. friends that are true t0 me.. and all.. hmmm... i live a simple life.. get up.. thank G0d f0r another day.. then try livin it t0 the fullest.. =) iv learned that things happen f0r a reas0n and that eventh0ugh we get pr0blems,trials, heartaches.. drs always an0ther day,and better things t0 c0me.. 0ur lives are planned f0r the best.. be happy and just appreciate all that y0u have. im n0t prfect.. n0b0dy is.. yah.. we all have imperfecti0ns behind our smiles.. we all make mistakes.. whats imp0rtant is.. we get up.. we fight.. and we learn.. have faith!! peace 0uttt!!