music, sound, recording, sex(honesty...right?), mind control, design, lucid dreaming, fabrics, ouija boarding, creative drinking, all things black and ghosts.Get premade layouts from Myspace Layouts +
The next me.
all forms, but not all participants... only those that make me feel what they say and/or say what I feel... but especially those who can change the way I feel and the things i say. (sorry, no examples here... nobody's asked for that.)
In no particular order: Highlander (1,3&4), Star Wars 1-6, The Lost Boys, most old ninja flicks, Interview and Queen of the Damned, Metropolis, LOTRs,The Blues Bros, Edward Scissorhands, the Matrix trilogy, the Harry Potters, The Evil Deads, Nightmare on Elm Street, Buffy The Vampire Slayer(though the series became better then the movie), Pet Cemetary, the Lethal Weapons, Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Goonies, most well-done documentaries, most Star Treks... if i keep going you'll think less & less of me.
Buffy(I have the series on DVD), Angel, (dont laugh, but...) Desperate Housewives & Grey's Anatomy, most Sci-fi channel shows (stargate, 1 or 2 of the star treks, highlander series, I'm brain-fartn on the others.), home improvement & design shows, some Charmed, Knight Rider & Air Wolf(from way-back), Thundar The Barbarian(cartoon... also from way-back) & most anything on TLC, A&E, The History Channel, & HGTV... FUSE is OK sometimes... MTV should change their name.
I've read most of the classics; haven't read much new... some that I've read in the past 5years include: The Celestine Prophecy, The Wu-Ling Masters, Nightmares & Dreamscapes, Angels and Demons & and a few books on self-help type crap ( I'm always trying to help those around me.)
Leonardo Davinci, John Paul Jones, Andy Frasier, Dave Growl, my 3 parents & Myself when I do What I really Want.