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You are shy and mysterious. Hotties are always trying to unlock your secrets, and figure out what makes you so cool. You have to have trust in your partner, so you€™re not really into randomly hooking up. You really like the intimacy that comes with sex and you won€™t take no for an answer when it comes to after sex cuddling. Sex matches: Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces
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You Are a Strawberry Daiquiri
You're a fun, playful drinker who loves to party.
You may get totally wasted, but you're always a happy drunk! What Mixed Drink Are You?


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Which Laguna Beach Girl Are You and Who is Your Laguna Beach Guy? by stateofgrace98
Where would you rather be right now?
Whats your favorite phrase from the show?
Which accessory can you not live without?
You are
And your Laguna guy is
Quiz created with MemeGen !Ok…Im tired of seein all these cities reppin hard…STAND UP PORT CITY aka the Wilmington.…You know you from tha PC when: 1.) You remember when girls were getting pregnant in the 6th grade 2.) You couldn't wait to go to the Jamboree, not for the football, but for the fights 3.) You remember when you only stayed in school till 12 because there were bomb threats all the time 4.) You remember when jungle rapids was the shit! 5.) You remember when Jervay played in the Turkey Bowl, even after they projects got torn down. 6.) The 8th street center was the place to be if you was trying to see a fight 7.) You went to every "JAM" even though you knew it would get shut down early because somebody was gonna be shooting 8.) You wore a "FREE Mr.McCloud" shirt to school even though you know that nigga was guilty as hell 9.) You remember when the boys and girls club drum and drill team was better than the high school teams. 10.) You remember when we didn't have Hechts 11.) You remember when it took 30 minutes to get into Laney's parking lot when there was a football game. 12.) You had your picture up in the 8th street center because you were banned from coming in. 13.) Murphy threatened you with his stick for walking on the gym floor. 14.) You were a girl and you saw B2K lose to 97.3 in a basketball game at Ashley. 15.) You paid 20 dollars to see Dipset perform, only to find out it was cancelled. 16.) You remember when kids that went to Williston actually brought guns to school. 17.) You remember going to town hall on castle street for a Jam 18.) You remember when Confetti's was the only teen club (AND IT WAS THE SHIT!) 19.) You remember when Dreams got shut down for too much shooting, and was turned into a country club. 20.) You go to the riverfest every year JUST to get a funnel and a candy apple 21.) Blaze did your tattoo when you were 13 years old 22.) You bought a new outfit to go on the "boat ride" each weekend, even though you knew your ass was scared of the water 22.) You remember getting out of school for 3 days just for snow flurries 23.) You went to the beach just to see who's there, but won't get in the water for nothing 24.) You remember when Jervay really was the projects. And last but not least, you know your ass is from Wilmington when: 25.) You bought a new outfit every year for the azalea festival, but you aint never seen a azalea your whole damn life. Send this to all your niggas from back home..PC STAND UP!
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Tell Me About YourSelf Quiz!*
Have You?
Kissed a member of the same sex? hmmm...no
Ranaway? ha, i didnt "runaway" i just left niggas confused
Skipped school? yep
Told someone you loved them? lol
Cried when someone died? thank god i didnt really KNO ne1 that did
Wanted someone you knew you couldnt have? o yes...right NOW
Broken a bone? no
Done something embarrassing? plenty of times
Done a drug? done a drug...how that sound but no
Cried in school? omg yes
Seen a scary movie? nope...they were suppose 2 b scary but they werent
Which Is Better?
Coke or Pepsi? Dr. Pepper!!
Sprite or 7-Up eww
Girls or Boys? ha...uh idk
Flowers or Candy? well what the fuck i need a flower 4, and i dont eat CANDY unless its chocolate
Blondes or Brunettes? well im not white so....idc
Rock or Rap? rap
Short or Tall? either, just DuDeS tallER than me
Pants or Shorts? ass look FAT n both...LOL, ha!
Night or Day? NIGHT
Body or Face? BOTH..ha, omg.. both
Smart or Funny? lol BOTH
Sweet or Attractive? n this case attractive cuz if u just sweet and ugly as hell and get on my nerves...SWEET wont matter
Romantic memory? umm...
Goal for the year? ha, i didnt achieve it so..
Favorite song? "unfaithful" && "y u wanna"
In Your Room? nah homie
Picture on your desktop? nope
Color? uh...black
Movie? ATL && the longest yard
Artists? Lil Wayne, T.I., Rihanna
Ice cream? banana split && birthday cake..yumm
Season? summer....(my birthday)
Breakfast food? uh...i hate breakfast..but a steak egg cheese bagel 4rm mickey ds
Makes you laugh the most? (i laugh at EVERYTHING) terrin, kenisha, taleishia, harold, philip, darryl...just 2 name a few
Makes you smile? ....
Can make you feel better know matter what? they dont kno they do...but the same person that makes me smile..
Who has it easier girls or guys? dudes
Have You Ever?
Sang in the shower? yep
Saved an AIM conversation? no..y?
Saved an E-mail? i didnt actually SAVE it i just aint DELETE it
Had a triple kiss? what...white ppl terms, kissed more than 2 otha ppl at the same time? or n 1 day
Gone skyp-diving? nah homie...im black
Got in serious trouble? uh..not really
Went scuba diving? nope
Cuddled with someone? (sigh) yea
Go online for more then 8 hours at a time? lol...yep
Fallen for your best friend? OMG! yea...the WORST thing u can do
Kissed two people in the same day? HA yep
Had sex with two different people in the same day? 2 many ?s
Been rejected? dont think so...i aint neva like persued nobody
Been in love? yea
Been kissed? uh...yea
Done something you regret? well doesnt really matter now does it
Last Person?
You touched? i dont like that ? cuz it sounds 1 way but..yea, but tish
You talked to? Asia
You hugged? my grandmother!!!
You IMed? Kiya
You yelled at? Kenny ass! (ova the computer tho ha!)
Who broke your heart? ...
Who told you they loved you? the same person that broke my heart
Do You?
Color your hair? i did twice...auburn, then black and i still got light brown hair
Have tattoos? no
Have piercings? yea
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope
Own a thong? yea
Want to get married? 2 the right person
Want to have kids? yea wit somebody i KNO they will b sexy wit
Name? Tehran
Age? 16
Gender? that means sex right...female
Hair? so many diff. colors, but some form of brown
Eyes? brown
Book? uh...since i only read 2 and i was FORCED...fallen angels
Music? i answered this ? twice already
Which Laguna Beach Girl Are You and Who is Your Laguna Beach Guy? by stateofgrace98
Where would you rather be right now?
Whats your favorite phrase from the show?
Which accessory can you not live without?
You are
And your Laguna guy is
Quiz created with MemeGen !


Your Birthdate: July 5
You have many talents, and you are great at sharing those talents with others.
Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to elicit jealousy.
Progressive and original, you're usually thinking up cutting edge ideas.
Quick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges.

Your strength: Your superhuman brainpower

Your weakness: Your susceptibility to boredom

Your power color: Tangerine

Your power symbol: Ace

Your power month: May What Does Your Birth Date Mean?


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L A S T P E R S O N T H A T...
1. Slept in your bed: me n Only me :)
2. Saw you cry: .... uh? idk the laSt tiMe i cRied...
3. Made you cry: ...
4. Went to the movies with you: keNNy n twaN... lOl... OnlY if u knEw hOw lOng agO tht was
5. You went to the mall with: uhhhhh?.. O asj asj
6. You went to dinner with: mi familiA
7. Said 'I love you' to and really meant it: twAn, n shanicE n taleiShia... haha.. tHey kiNda keeP senDn me the saMe text
8. Broke your heart: ... Omg waT r u tALkn abOut... ;-)
9. Made you laugh: SaPP.. tht niGGa crazy
10. Bought you something: shiT... iTs beeN sO lOng...
W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R ...
1.pierce your nose or tongue? tOngUe... iM geTTn iT dOne 2! yay!
2.be serious or be funny? fuNNy
3. drink whole or skim milk? ... uh idl miLk liKe tht
4.die in a fire or drown? i reaLLy dNt waNNa thnK abOut tht
5.spend time with your parents or ur worst enemies? my PARENTs... i ?
A R E Y O U ...
1.simple or complicated? verrrrryyyyyyyy cOmplicateD
2.Gay? nO
3. Honest? yes... y liE
1. flowers or candy? neiTher
2. gray or black? blacK
3. Color or Black and white photos? blacK n whiTe r kiNda cuTe
4. lust or love? weLL... ha! lOve
5. sunrise or sunset? bOth
6. M&Ms or Skittles? m&ms
7. rap or rock? raP
8. staying up late or waking up early? i dO bOth sOoOoOo....
1. do you like someone? mmhm
2. do they know? hE shUd...
3. does anybody know? yep yep
1. being hot or cold? cOld
2. sun or moon? weLL....
3. Winter or Fall? faLL
4. left or right? riGHt
5. having 10 acquaintances who will have sex with you or having 2 best friends? 2 besT friEnds
6. sun or rain? suN... gOOd sleep n thE raIn thO
7. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? swiRl
8. boys or girls? grOwN aSS meN
1. What time is it? 9:45
2. Name? Tehran
1. to be with? whAt Or whO???.....
2. Where do you want to live? neWher buT heRe
3. How many kids do you want? uh... iF i HavE ne... 2 i gueSS
4. What kind of job do you want? jusT 2 b suCCessfuLL
5. Do you want to get married? yeS i dO
1. Nervous Habits? geT quiEst... buT ya caNt reallY teLL cuz iM quieT newaY :)
2. Are you double jointed? ewwww... nO
3. Can you roll your tongue? mmhm ;-)
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? yeP
5. Can you cross your eyes? nOpe... i haTe tht buLLshit
6. Do you make your bed daily? heLL nO... i rOll Outta bed n dO wat i gOtta dO
C L O T H E S, E T C
1. Which shoe goes on first? the 1 thTs clOsest
2. Ever thrown a shoe at someone? yeP...
3. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? iDk......... liKe 40-50
4. What jewelry do you wear everyday? eaRRings
5. What are your fav. store? what iS... mm.. charlOtte rousSe... 579... demO
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? nOpe
3. Favorite ice cream flavor? BiRTHDAY CAKE!!.. nOw u caN get me sUm
4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? juSt 2... wit nOoOo miLk!
5. What's your favorite beverage?
6. What's your favorite restaurant? CHiLiS...
7. Do you cook? i dO... but.............. yea
L E T 'S B E H O N E S T
In the last month have you...
1. Bought something: mmhm
2. Sang yep
3. Been kissed .... uh................................... O yea
4. Missed someone: yep
5. Danced crazy: nOpe
6. Gotten your hair cut: yep
7. Watched cartoons: i dOnt
8. Lied: i dOnt

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WHAT i FEEL WHo can u trust.... when those u thought u kne turn there bak on u n a blink of an eye. where r ur TRUE friends.... when the 1s u thought wud b there forever leave u at the drop of a...
Posted by ...on 2 BiGGer & beTTeR things... on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 09:36:00 PST