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Justina Chen Headley


About Me

Hello! Justina here. I'm a novelist for young adults, and my books include Girl Overboard, Nothing but the Truth (and a few white lies), and the forthcoming North of Beautiful! I've moved to China for a year, and you can keep up with my travels on the blog here on MySpace or on justinachenheadley.blogspot.com .

Here's what people are saying about GIRL OVERBOARD:
Junior Library Guild Premier Selection
"I love Girl Overboard...an inspiring story about a girl finding friendship, family, and - most importantly - herself." -Carolyn Mackler, author of Guyaholic and The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things, A Michael L. Printz Honor Book
"If SYRAH were a real person, we'd make great friends because WE both have a passion for climbing high, reaching for our dreams, and loving every step while we go over every obstacle. We could snowboard together and then pump up the world with inspiring things!" —Hannah Teter, Olympic Gold Medalist, Snowboarding Half Pipe
"Justina Chen Headley, like her main character, is a 'girl with guts.' Girl Overboard is an exhilarating ride from start to finish." --K.L. Going, author of Fat Kid Rules the World, Michael L. Printz honor book
And what they said about NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH (and a few white lies):
"Headley makes an impressive debut with this witty, intimate novel..." --Publishers Weekly *starred* review
"an amazing piece of art…." --Teenreads.com
Visit me at my website www.justinachenheadley.com and readergirlz Drop by and read the winning essays for my $5,000 Nothing but the Truth College Scholarship . See you!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bill Drayton, cool readergirlz around the world, Nancy Pearl (check!), K.L. Going, Little Willow (check!), HipWriterMama, Miss Erin, Alexia, Kelly Herald, Chasing Ray, Seven Impossible Things, Tanita Davis, Book Chic, Melissa J, and all the other kid lit bloggers who make the reading world a much better place.


Enjoy the playlist for GIRL OVERBOARD, thanks to my mix-master Little Willow!


CHECK OUT Olympic Gold Medalist Hannah Teter reading one of our favorite selections from GIRL OVERBOARD with me.

Get Your Own!


I have way too many favorites to count. But here are a few I'll never sell or lend...

Dragon's Keep, Janet Lee Carey
On Pointe, Lorie Ann Grover
Avielle of Rhia, Dia Calhoun
First Daughter, Mitali Perkins
Fat Kid Rules the World, KL Going
The Earth, My Butt and Other Big Round Things, Carolyn Mackler

My Blog

Shanghai CHIC

So my good friend and co-diva of readergirlz, Lorie Ann Grover, challenged me to find the most fashionable figure in Shanghai. Out to lunch with my family, I spotted The One: Hip down to the dog's ...
Posted by Justina Chen Headley on Fri, 07 Nov 2008 05:54:00 PST

Me Speak Caveman Chinese

My girlfriends turned out in full force after my last post on being called a FATSO in China. I swear, just about everyone emailed me, assuring me that I am not hugely ugly. It's hard to stay hurt or h...
Posted by Justina Chen Headley on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 02:35:00 PST

Big and FAT in Shanghai

After I flew in from America a few days ago, I was too jetlagged to write. Apparently, not jetlagged enough to stay home and sleep as I should have. I went shopping instead. (I have another trip to Am...
Posted by Justina Chen Headley on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 03:37:00 PST

Shanghai turnSTYLE: Sarah Kong, Shokay & YAKS!

turn·stile noun1. a structure of four horizontally revolving arms pivoted atop a post and set in a gateway or opening in a fence to allow the controlled passage of people.turn·STYLE - noun1. Justina'...
Posted by Justina Chen Headley on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 03:05:00 PST

Day 2 of WLMA in Portland!

A night after crashing catatonic in bed without changing positions for seven hours straight, I'm happy to report that a more alert Me presented at Day Two of the WLMA / OASL Conference in Portland, Or...
Posted by Justina Chen Headley on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 08:59:00 PST

Bleary in Seattle

I'm back in the States! My peeps have asked me what I miss most about the U.S. Was it the food? (Well, I did have a hankering for a hamburger...and satiated it with a big, greasy one!) Was it the clea...
Posted by Justina Chen Headley on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 11:04:00 PST

Project Novella...or Justina is Insane

I promised myself that this year while in Shanghai, I would focus exclusively on my writing. Block out hours to write my next couple of novels. Accept no other commitments. My writer buddies made me ...
Posted by Justina Chen Headley on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 02:52:00 PST

Camel Country

Greetings from Camel Country! That would be Dunhuang, the oasis town in Northern China that was once the hub of the Silk Road a thousand years ago. Ever since my husband's cerebral and vivacious Aunt...
Posted by Justina Chen Headley on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 08:02:00 PST

I Love Your Blog...and Camels, Too!

Greetings from Dunhuang--the upper northern reaches of China. I'll be posting soon about the truth about camel rides and sunrises in the desert. But first...this...After bad times (read: evil taxi dri...
Posted by Justina Chen Headley on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 08:38:00 PST

Taxi Hell in Shanghai

When traveling, you know you're signing up for at least one Stupid Tourist Moment. And this has obviously and abundantly happened to me, still new to my new life in China. You know--you get overcharge...
Posted by Justina Chen Headley on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 06:51:00 PST