I like to bang my head against the wall, theres something so soothing about it
The inventor of cornuts, a giant alligator, serge a. storms and turd ferguson because i would like to shake all there hands, well maybe not the alligator.
Cher, yanni, michael bolton and wham are probably the most influential people to me when it comes to music
Paint Drying
currently I have a white wall to stare at. Im sure it would be more entertaining on acid but I am fresh out
Usually something at a 4th grade reading lvl. Anything above that and I get confused
It is basically impossible for me to name somebody as my hero, there are to many people, some i dont even know, some that are very close to me. If I had to pick a group, I would have to say the men and women who serve others whether it be in the Military, Hospitals, or at a homeless shelter. I believe that anyone who give up some of there time, energy, life to help someone else in need, is considered a hero to me