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But who has the courage to be his own destiny?

About Me

do you REALLY want to know?

My Interests

iconoclasm and lechery.

I'd like to meet:

the president (so i can wipe my ass with his face)


Don't you love those elitist fucks who have to list every illrelevant indie/electro group from the last 10 years, like some kind of fucking badge of ultimate obscure music afficionadodom. Do you even like any of that shit? Music is cheap now, it's lost it's meaning, there's too many fucking bands, and all they are now are stupid little badges to be worn as some kind of testiment to your amazingly elect taste. No it's just crap, and the emperor (I mean you) has no clothes. If this music is so amazing, how come it doesn't make you rise up and change the world? It's not going to: modern music is a pompous bluff and nothing more!


I love stupid, mindless comedies that usually have Will Farrell or Seth Rogan in them -escapism par excellence!!!. Every once in a while a great movie will come out that will stir me to something higher, V for Vendetta or Lady in the Water would be good examples. And then there are the old favorites, the romantic side of me that trembles everytime I hear the Adagio from Beethoven's 5th Piano concerto because it reminds me of the ending of Immortal Beloved -or the ending of Bram Stokers Dracula -who isn't tempted to shed a tear at the idea of such epic love?




or rather, authors: Friedrich Nietzsche, Albert Camus, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Wolfgang Von Goethe, Herman Hesse, Lao-Tzu, Ferdinand Celine, Oscar Wilde, William Blake, Franz Kafka, Pablo Neruda, Otto Rank, Sigmund Freud, Federico Garcia Lorca, Charles Bukowski, Artur Rimbaude, Umberto Eco, Charles Baudelaire, Aldous Huxley, Mircea Eliade and of coarse Karl Marx - ok and Shakespeare too! haha. I told you I read a lot.


You already have a pretty good hint.

My Blog

a mistake is just a mistake..........

Posted by H. on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:09:00 PST

lame poetry

Where were you in the dark hour?lonely, weeping, hurt and dowerwho stole your pretty little flower?laughing drunk with the taste of power.the King has gone insane.and even now, a strange afflictionof ...
Posted by H. on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 04:31:00 PST

and ever so mysteriously, tears appeared........

last night, I was trying to fall asleep on my friend Dave's couch, when I was over-whelmed by the most gut-wrenching ache. Sometimes it feels like no one knows that ache, or like we all, for some horr...
Posted by H. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I saw your brightly guilded houses on the hill among the lush green trees, winding streets filled with limousines demi-god's infested with lice and flees crowded sidewalks and outrageous parking f...
Posted by H. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

lyrics are fun!

In a poet's heart it's true; desperate love is the only kind. But it's supposed to be the boys who tell sweet lies to taste the wine no, not the girls not the girls ...
Posted by H. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST