storyline porn, kung fu, pbr and shots of fernet, spotting cameltoe, getting drunk and testing the loyalty of friendships, speaking about myself in third person, ruining family reunions, and telling children the truth about Santa.
Leslie Feist and Emily Haines at the altar.
Animal Collective, The Knife, Hall&Oates, Marc Bolan, DFA 1979, Wolf Parade, David Bowie, Leonard Cohen, Broken Social Scene, Destroyer....
I studied film, so pretty much everything you've seen multiplied exponentially....and most poorly dubbed Kung Fu...OH and a whole bunch of other cool fucking movies that this JUNKIE LIAR FUCK ERIC SEJA stole from my house. I forgot...fucking Cool Hand Luke.
Is for suckers
Novels, film editing manuals, and whatever is within arms reach when I am taking a shit.
William Tyberius Shatner.