I enjoy Dancing even if it invovles making a fool of myself, its still fun. I'd like to take dance lessons but am too shy. I also like to eat spicy thai food, go shopping with money I don't have. I love to go to shows especially with my good friends by my side to keep me in check(shout out to Amara and Lauren, except Lauren lets me do things I shouldn't but I still love ya)I also like walking my dog (cooper), riding my bike(but not too much because the seat hurts my ass. If I had a better seat I'm sure I'd ride more). I'm also down to hang out and watch movies all day(but mostly on rainy days)I love to sit in the sun and listen to all the music below! I also enjoy walking the streets of this great city we call San Francisco. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I really love being a bitch and talking hella trash! Oh, yeah and saying HELLA hella times
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A Little of this, a little of that.... So I guess thisandthat.
Any movie works for me
seinfeld, project runway, benny hill, the soup, jeopardy, the adventures of pete and pete.
Bud Spencer