Everything interests me. My children & watching them grow-they can teach you the most wonderful things- they are my world, my light and darkness My family is everything to me, and I will do anything for them; cooking; gardening-though admitedly I am not that great at it; geneology-It is really neat seeing where and who we come from; mythology.. history-those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it; reading; paganism; psychology-perhaps one day I will go back to school and attain my phd; sewing/costuming- Like I previously stated I have started my own sewing business my goal is to try to make things more affordable, but still look as authentic as possible, and have it be custom tailor made. (Loved making my son's darth vader costume & my daughter's wonder woman costume for dragoncon in 2004.) writing poetry when I get the chance which lately is never. Star Wars, SCA, Rennaisance, Singing opera-maybe one day, before my time is up on this earth, I will get up the gumption to audition for the local opera house.
Hmmm not too sure about this one
Everything from Enya & Loreena Mckennit to Metallica. (The old metallica not the new stuff). Classical and opera, Carmina Burana is one of my favorites.
A big horror movie fan. A few are: Friday the 13th all of them; nightmare on Elm Street all of them; Texas Chainsaw massacre -new and old; Poltergeist-all of them; The Others; Legend of Sleepy Hollow; The omen- all of them; The exorcist; The exorcism of Emily Rose; The hills have eyes; All Stephen King movies; Loved Dawn of the Dead; Bram Stoker's Dracula; Star Wars; LOTR; Nightmare before Christmas; UltraViolet; Serenity; amongst others. Too many to list.
Fear factor; Law & order all of them; Who's line is it anyways; Deal or no deal...who would have thought Howie would do a game show? Clone Wars cartoons; Ghost Hunters; sci-fi wednesday nights; Battlestar Gallactica; Futurama; Family guy; South Park; Blue Collar TV; 2 and a half men; mail call; the history channel; and nickelodeon with the children.
Of course Stephen King, and my newest favorite is Laurell K. Hamilton
My sister who perservered when it seemed as though the world was against her, and she came out stronger than before. I admire her strength, determination, and will.