Movies, Music, Reading, Internet, World of Warcraft, Coffee, Cooking, Diabetes, Spending time with family and friends, Vargas Girls
Interesting people with whom to have good conversations and a few good laughs.
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Classical, Industrial, Country, Rock, Classic Rock, Blues, Jazz
Hero, Blade, StarGate, Aliens (all of them), Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sinbad the movies from the 1960s, Hunt for Red October, and anything with Errol Flynn
StarGate: SG1, CSI, Law & Order: SVU, Food Network, Forensic Files, 7 Voyages of Sinbad, 1940-50s Black & White Romatic Movies, heck anything that will capture my attention.
D.H. Lawrence, Edgar Allen Poe, Kipling, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Sci-Fi, Erotica
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My Husband, My Parents, My brothers, My Mother-in-Law, My Andrew-my Angel