I love to play music! video games, and M.T.G.(Magic The Gathering)
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Their all dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I wanted 2 meet famous people I'd move 2 Hollywood and start a band!! Isn't that all U have 2 do?
Nirvana, STP, Red Hot Chillie Peppers, Soundgarden ,Oasis, I like music with a lingering melody.
Pulp Fiction, Final Destination 1, not 2 or 3 just 1. Ummm Starship Troopers; I don't know why. Saw, all of UM!!!!!!!!!!! Boogie Nights, Star Wars; all of UM, WillyWonka and the Chocolate factory;original only: NOT THE NEW ONE.
The Simpsons, Seinfeld, Family Guy, basically anything funny.
If I have time to read, I'm probably really bored.
My dad!!!! He's retired 2x, and had 5 wives. No alamonie left to pay.