Filthy Creations is a magazine of original horror fiction, begun at The Workshop of Filthy Creation at Vault of Evil - British Horror Anthology Hell .
Some related sites include:
Dreaming of Babylon . Because we all need a place to dream.A Haunted Dolls House takes its name from an MR James Ghost Story. It began as a book review site, but became something more:
A Haunted Dolls House Fantasy ReviewThe aforementioned Vault of Evil, Horror Anthology Hell is for discussion of horror fiction in all its forms, and has changed and mutated according to the members needs: Vault of Evil - Anthology HellCharles Black's Black Grimoire
Pulpmania - The Journal of Cult PaperbacksThe Groovy Age of HorrorMagnetic Mary . The best blog in the world...probably.Manon of Asrai Manon of Asrai!
This is now a multi-user blog. MySpace wanted didn't believe the age the original user gave and have threatened to delete it.
So why put a 1916 birthdate option if they don't believe people who use it?
I'm sure that individually the MySpace team are sensible people, but they're trying to impose impossible and illogical regulations. In the end, they only know what you type in the little boxes!
To prevent deletion of the blog, as it's now a group project, the year 1931 has been chosen, as that was a pretty good year for horror films.
If it gets deleted, bye bye for a while - but this is only a clone site, with content just pasted in from another not on MySpace.