I am interested in being a good wife and mother. I spend time on the computer (including Pogo) and reading books. I enjoy working out (water aerobics) and gardening. I show my love to my family when I cook for them.
My favorite music is old Gospel hymns. I also like classical music, swing music and rock and roll classics.
The most important movie that I have seen that had a real impact on me was THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. It really made me think!
I like Cold Case and the CSI programs. I don't watch very much TV tho, I tend to fall asleep.
The Holy Bible, all of Nicholas Sparks' books. I have read 7 of Laurine Snelling's books and hope to read all 50 she has written. I also like Tami Hoag, Baldacci, and others. When I find an author I like, I will try to read all of their books. I enjoy historical fiction and juvenile fiction. When Matt joined the Marines, I read many books about the Marine Corps.
To me, Billy Graham is a hero, along with Christians who live their faith. All of the people who defend our country against terrorism are also my heroes. People who have survived cancer are my heroes. My husband is my hero for what he does on a daily basis for his family.