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About Me

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Back home from the states... missing all things American but glad to be back. Looking foward for the new year to begin.I took another drastic step in my life not so recently.. first being the move to Israel. I left almost 10 long years in hi tech and design and have moved back into the health field, where I started out in the states. I am currently working in and studying (Reflexology) Alternative Medicine.

My Interests

Computers, meditation, horseback riding, all things media, reading, music, dancing, people watching, tae kwon do, travelling, art, video, American college football, reflexology, massage, psychology, hmmm what else....

I'd like to meet:

Diane Fossey, George Michael, Candace Bushnell, John Irving, Anne Rice, JK Rowling, Howard Stern, Robyn Quivers, Paul Mc Cartney, Jim Morrison, John Lennon, The senior editor at Ynet-English.........But id settle for reconnecting with old friends and "college buddies", Would love to meet some people I lost touch with on my trip to the east, and who knows if I meet that cutie pie guy that Ill spend some time with... great!...I mostly use this page for finding out where are the next great parties or festivals or concerts... so keep on sending me the links... one day ill have enough time (and energy) to make it!


I like a little bit of everything from Floyd and Zepplin to the Beatles and Billy Joel, then gets to Depeche Mode and to George Michael. I also like a bit of Israeli music like Chaverim shel Natasha, Eifo Ha Yeled, shotei nevuah, idan reichel, Tipex, Machina, Meir Banai, Subliminal, rockfour, Avtipus, , .. I love the 70s love the 80s and the 90s and some of recent hits. (i sound like a radio commercial!) Anything with a good melody or a good beat. Trance has started to grow on me slowly... real slow but especially since my trip to the east and return to the festivals... i think im getting the hang of it.. though id love to get more connections to these secret nature and trance parties :P


Tarrantino, Kevin Smith, Cohn Bros with special points for Lebowski, ridley scott, oliver stone, love Peter Jackson so far, I love most of the big blockbusters for their special effects, most the cheesy comedies with the cutie pie actors, tear jerking love stories and dramas...love esp princess bride, when harry met sally, matrix, fight club, lotr, Harry potter (cause i just love the books so much), Family Guy movie, chasing amy, 12 monkeys, spotless mind, truman show, STAR WARS!! (original trilogy preferable),platoon, the beach, most movies with ed norton, .... please someone stop me.. just love movies... and now with hi speed internet .. hehehehehe


Most American TV.. so then you ask again then what the hell are you doing in Israel??? Well thx to hi speed net I can have the best of both worlds so I do enjoy watching all the latest.... favorites are and have been... seinfeld, friends, quantum leap, 24, heroes, rome, weeds, deadwood, alias, buffy, angel, charmed, sex and the city, lost, bb and survivor (love the backstabbing and its like a psych project!), gilmore, family guy, south park, and even 90210 and melrose in their hey day... and i gotta throw in start trek ng and enterprise...


Since living in Israel I just started to devour whatever english books I would find. Some I read over and over have been .... Replay by Ken Grimwood, Anne Rice, grisham, crichton, kellerman, Harry Potter books, Wilbur Smith, Lightning and Watchers by Dean Koontz, It and Pet Semetary scared the crap out of me when I was 12 and I can still enjoy it now. World Acc to Garp I can read over and over again it always gives me a laugh as do most of Irvings books. I love his humor. The beach is so much better than the movie and so were the hanibal lechter books. I love a lot of Leon Uris' books, makes me feel proud to be an Israeli. Oh and you just gotta love a cheesy love story like the thorn birds and north and south. I read LOTR but god was it BORING i liked the hobbit much better. I wish I had had more luggage room for books to bring home this trip, ahh all those cheap used book stores in thailand *sigh*.


Vietnamese Women- they really work their asses off.. and make it look easy