Brown Sugar profile picture

Brown Sugar

Love me or hate me. There is no in between

About Me

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(6/23/06) I am very crazy and energetic person who loves to hang around younger people, that's what keeps me going. Don't get me wrong I know when to change from this state of mind focus on being the stay at home mom I am, with 3 wonderful kids 2 girls 13 and 18 years old and a 7 years old boy oh! and I can't forget my Foster baby, soon to be mine she is 4 years old. Originally I'm from Crooklyn (Brooklyn), NY. Than I traveled and lived in Virginia to Attend Norfolk State University. Stayed in Virginia Beach for 5 years than returned back to Brooklyn. Started my job at Municipal Credit Union as a Personnel Assistant in the Human Resource Dept. Worked their for 6 years until after the 9/11 WTC. I worked across the street from the WTC. I was traumatized by this tragedy. So I decided to move my family Upstate, NY where I purchased my home. Up until this point I have been a stay at home mom for 5 years. Enough of this shit!!! Excuse my language, But I am ready to get out and travel to see the world again and meet new people and party like I use to. I love music I can dance to anything. I love music and dancing so much it became my therapy it calms me down when I am upset.

My Interests

I love dancing and singing. I could sing my ass off, but I will never try the music industry. I am shy when it comes to singing. The last time I sang in front of strangers was at my father's funeral.I love to shop. I am a fashion freak. I stay up-to -date on the latest styles.

I'd like to meet:

My Almighty God and Savior


love Hip-Hop, R&B and Reggae


I have a list of movies I enjoy. I really don't want to list them all. But my favorite movie is The Color Purple.


I love Jammie Foxx and Wayne Brothers


Mama(my mom) is my heroe. During her time on earth being a diabetic, she managed to stay strong. Even when this disease got her to her weakest point, she never showed it. She always thought about us, the family and how weak it would make us if we knew. She always put her feelings last to save the familys feelings. That's my Mama a true heroe.