THIS BIG CHUNK OF WORDS THAT ARE CAPITALIZED SHOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE. I JUST WANT TO OFFER AN APOLOGY FOR THIS PAGE SITTING SO LONG WITH THESE MEDICORE SAMPLES ON IT. I WILL BE RECORDING SOME BEATBOX TRACKS AS SOON AS I CAN, SO THIS PAGE ISN'T COMPLETE BULLSHIT. BACK TO OUR NORMALLY SCHEDULED PROGRAM: "The Beatbox Styles Of Darrick Patrick's Mouth Fluctuations." For those of you stumbling across this page who are not familiar with beatboxing as an artform: it's basically making timed beats with your mouth as would a percussionist. Combine simulated record scratches from your throat with whatever other sounds you can conjure up within the timing of the beat and that's the definition of a beatbox. A quality beatboxer should be able to drop a rhythm & hold it down for an emcee to manipulate his words over it. For the moment, all I have up here on MySpace for a listen is a couple samples of my mouth. I'll be recording full length songs shortly and those tracks will then be posted here. Until then, feel free to listen to the freestyle vocal words of Darrick Patrick on my Main MySpace Music Page