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( ^= LOVING tantric =^ )

About Me

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You are The Moon

Hope, expectation, Bright promises.

The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.

The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Tantric is THE BEST . . . these are from the Crocodile Rock in Allentown PA. on 09/21/06. . . I FINALLY got to meet Todd, the most incredible (and HOTTEST) guitar player since, umm . . . EVER ! ! ! ! . . . gee, do I look a little nervous? naaahhhh . . . Todd . . .Hugo . . .Matt . . .and Bruce . . .you guys are the greatest.
Laura and Sam were MORE than impressed! ! !
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You know, it is absolutely mind boggling AND true that if you're laying all alone on a mile of otherwise empty beach, the next people to come along have to park their sh** within 20 feet of you. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I'm not unsociable, not much anyway, but come on.
"he just makes me want to get up and dance . . . "
These are from Musikfest in Bethlehem ,Pa. STEVE AZAR kicks ass. I took my son and my nephew with me and they had ALMOST as much fun as me. That's them with Steve. The guy with the curly blonde hair is Chris. the world's BEST "guitar tech", VERY smooth changes. Mark, Jason, Tom, John and Rudy were all just Jammin'! ! ! Love you Steve . . . can't wait till next time.

My Interests

♥Kaya♥ Jada♥ Nyk♥ and ♥Ian♥ and their ♥parents♥ and their ♥Uncle Sammel♥
The Flyers . . . All creatures, fauna and flora, that have endured the human race . . . tattoos . . . science fiction (which often eventually becomes science fact) . . . growing things from seed . . . kittens . . . music . . . movies . . . tacos . . . chili-cheesedogs

You Are Hockey
Tough, athletic, and not afraid of a fight.
You don't mind putting your body on the line! What Winter Sport Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Just looking for folks with similar interests. I think that bit in the left hand column over there says a lot about me. People who are honest and upfront about themselves and life. The here and now is what matters not the trivialities of the past.

"famous" people wise? . . . Todd Whitener, Lee Tyler Post, John McCrea, Mike Patton, Samuel LeBihan, Shakespeare, Mary Magdalene, Confucious and a whole sh**load of others, but particularly Todd Whitener.

. . . well, as you can see above I have been honored to meet my favorite guitar player, Todd Whitener . . . what a great man . . . But that doesn't mean I don't want to do it again . . . and again . . . and again . . .


♥♥♥tantric♥♥♥tantr ic ♥♥♥tantric

Some of these photos courtesy of my beautiful daughter . . . Laura Mourning Video Mourning lyrics - Tantric lyrics Tantric Music Videos Music Video Codes by VideoCure

Tantric, Alice in Chains, Steve Azar,
Steve Azar ROCKS ! ! ! Free Myspace Graphics
I recorded this short clip up at Musikfest in Bethlehem, Pa summer of 2005.

Lee Tyler Post

Get this video and more at
(Lee is so awesome . . . he is indescribable)

Cake, Radiohead, Tantric, Rory Gallagher, Nils Lofgren, Stoned Wheat, Weezer, Green Day, Buckcherry, The Pretenders, The Band, Three Doors Down, Our Lady Peace, Tantric, Warren Zevon, Humble Pie, Limahl, Deep Purple, Faith No More, Stray Cats, T-Rex, Live, The Motels, Cookie Monster, Jet, Bob Seger, Dire Straits, Dixie Dregs, Fuel, GooGoo Dolls, The Beatles, Ernie, Jackson Browne, Van Morrison, Little Feat, Temple of the Dog, Jerry Cantrell, Ten Years After, Willie Nelson, Elvis Costello, Papa Roach, Cartman, Two Feet Pete, (this could take a while) oh yeah, and Tantric

Bands I've seen live. . . . . . . .Tantric(3) ~Steve Azar(4)~Cake(2) ~Jerry Cantrell(2)
~ Alice In Chains~Incubus~Hoobastank~Rory Gallagher~Stoned Wheat~Johnny Winter~Nils Lofrgren(13)~The Goo Goo Dolls~Bruce Sprinsteen~Steve Miller~The Doobie Brothers~Jackson Browne~Steve Perry~Creed~Elvis Costello~Blue Oyster Cult~Blackmore's Rainbow(3)Dave Edmunds~Ian Gillan~~ELO~The Animals~Steppenwolf~Jesse Colin Young~~Pat Travers~Tom Petty~Jethro Tull~Randy Hansen~THE STRAY CATS~Men at Work~INXS~Blues Travelers~Lenny Kravitz~David Bowie~Nine Inch Nails~Alvin Lee~Blake Shelton~Toby Keith~The Gutter Junkies~Two Feet Pete~Brooks and Dunn~Trey Anastasio~John Fogerty~Bonnie Raitt~RustedRoot~ 311~ Counting Crows~Fosterchild~The Rockets~Type14~Sugarland~ The Flaming Lips~Stevie Nicks~REO Speedwagon~Whitesnake~ ~BOB SEGER~


Casablanca, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Aliens, Labyrinth, Star Wars. . . especially The Empire Strikes Back (Snowtroopers rock), . . . Stargate, Goonies, My Life as a Dog, City of Lost Children, Ice Age, Jibeuru (Eng= The Way Home), Chunhyang, Memento, The Time Machine, Neverending Story, The Count of Monte Cristo, Harry Potter(all), The Abyss, The Taming of the Shrew, Airheads. Yeah, Airheads. You know, like Evil Alien Conquerors. Hysterically stupid.


Flyers games, The Dresden Files, Mindfreak, Doctor Who, Mythbusters, Animal Rescue, and I miss Farscape and Pete and Pete.


Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. Anything by Douglas Adams or Tolkien (especially The Silmarillion) also Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Arthur C Clarke and Isaac Asimov. Also, after much skepticism on my part, I found all of the Harry Potter books to be excellent reading. Thanks, Bud.


My Dad

My Blog

weekend travels

Well, everybody, I'm back from my travels. I did a lot of driving and as stressful as it is, I still love it. Back roads, beautiful scenery and great music on the radio. The first stop was the theatre...
Posted by moontears on Mon, 29 May 2006 03:16:00 PST

Always grow . . .

 . . . but NEVER grow up....
Posted by moontears on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 06:09:00 PST