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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

guess. or just ask. be intentional in life.
so i guess thats not sufficient.
hi. im dan.
i am in a period of redefinition basically. so its hard to explain myself. Love and Respect are my core personal tenets.
i have succeeded and failed. i have been happy and sad. i have been joyful and depressed.
i have a very unique personality. i really enjoy helping people. i can be very reserved, i can be very outgoing. i can be the entertainer, i can be the wallflower. i am a philosophical person.
i am a flawed individual that makes mistakes. that doesn't love when i think i am, that doesn't respect when i think i am respecting someone. i am learning. it seems often the people who feel they are wise don't listen enough. when a wise person talks too much, or offers opinions unsolicited, they are nothing more than a nuisance.
i would like to think that i have some wisdom locked away in this head of mine, that i could help you in some way with it. but i care more about you, than i do what i can fix in you. does that make sense?
i enjoy meeting people. i enjoy having a deeper connection than purely physical or purely cordial. it seems relationships are far too shallow in this age where between facebook and myspace i have some 1650 friends, yet i spend nights alone depressed in my room trying to find some hint of relation, some ounce of social purpose, some meaning to facilitate and help humanity.
how interconnected, yet disconnected we are.
anyways. motivation is my worst character flaw as of the past few years. it can be totally crippling. lacking direction, in knowing exactly what i am supposed to do with my life only waxes the intensity of such a lack of motivation. it seems that any steps in the possible present directions could only be steps away from future goals.
i have learned beyond that though. i am recommitting myself to freelance work. Photography, bands, weddings- videography, music videos, film, and the like- helping bands, such as promotions, concerts, management, producing, etc.
so anyways. i have an HD videocamera and Final Cut, so if you are in need, or have ideas and want to work on solo projects, i am totally up for a challenge.

My Blog

the funny thing about leadership and leaders

its funny, i have realized that a good leader is not the person that forces themself into leadership.most times, leadership is already in place. a good leader that is under the present leadership, wi...
Posted by ...danrankin on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 01:59:00 PST

What is love anyway?

So... After a conversation with a good friend of mine. Great guy.I must ask, what is love really? i don't mean God's love, i don't mean brotherly love, i don't mean really deeply caring for someone ...
Posted by ...danrankin on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 09:53:00 PST

Why God and Science aren’t opposite: Why science leaves room for God but doesn’t prove anything

Interesting topic.I would like to start by saying that i do not believe that you can prove or disprove God by scientific means by direct evidence. You can by circumstantial evidence conceivably get s...
Posted by ...danrankin on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 03:15:00 PST

is on the verge of something

today seemed to be a ray of sunshine... just mood wise, nothing good really happened... but then i get home and it sorta feels worse...maybe im on the verge of something...who knows
Posted by ...danrankin on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 08:37:00 PST

of webpages and music

Hey! so im figuring out CSS and such and listening to DAYS worth of good music.i wanted to just say hey, see if you need webpages stuff because im a freelancer that will jump any hoops for a buck :)a...
Posted by ...danrankin on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 06:35:00 PST

a resolution

you know... things have kinda been ruff for me lately.monetarily but mostly philosophically.trying to figure yourself out and the world out and make any sense about it can be depressing. especially w...
Posted by ...danrankin on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:38:00 PST

isn’t it funny how friendships change?

just a thought... thats just how life goes i guess. there can be a lot of pain brought about from trying to force a friendship to conform to an old standard. a friend is a friend for a time period. ...
Posted by ...danrankin on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 09:15:00 PST

learning web design

so part of this is a joke on myself.http://wakinghourmusic.org is a domain i own, waking hour music is a company thats dormant right now. i envision having a domain like danielelyrankin.com or someth...
Posted by ...danrankin on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 08:59:00 PST

Warning explicit- it strikes a chord with me though

All U Can EatOriginal Artist: Ben FoldsSon; look at all the people in this restaurantWhat do you think they weigh?And out the window to the parking lot,At their SUVs taking all of the spaceThey give n...
Posted by ...danrankin on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 09:36:00 PST

my sorta weekly philosophical blog posting for today

or this week...whatever.i wonder if anyone feels like me.my mind bounces back and forth between two different states. these states could be likened to fluctuations in weather. if your from east NC y...
Posted by ...danrankin on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 10:54:00 PST