I work around 75 hours a week. I don't take days off. It's pretty neat.
Gotta support the team . Boo Cubs. Boo .
What Famous Leader Are You?
Am I really a Bill Clinton? I think this test might be a little off-base. But what the hell --better than scoring a " Hitler ."
Brain Lateralization Test Results
Right Brain (60.4%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative , artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (39.6%) The left hemisphere is the logical , articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain.
Are You Right or Left Brained?(word pair test)
Eysenck's Test Results
Extraversion (59%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Neuroticism (37%) moderately low which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Psychoticism (73%) high which suggests you are overly selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense too often of the well being of others.
Take Eysenck Personality Test (similar to EPQ-R)
I AM GOING TO KILL YOU. Just kidding.
Career Inventory Test Results
Extroversion ||||||||||||||| 50%
Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 40%
Altruism ||||||||| 30%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 76%
You are an Architect , possible professions include - strategic planning , writer , staff development, lawyer , robber baron, architect, software designer, financial analyst , pirate captain , college professor , photographer, logician, artist, systems analyst, neurologist , physicist, psychologist, research/development specialist, janitor , computer programmer, data base manager, chemist, biologist , investigator.
You are Batman
You are dark, love gadgets, and have vowed to help the innocent not suffer the pain you have endured . You are the greatest superhero ever. All other superheros are crap by comparison. Furthermore, your batcave is powered by an "atomic pile." Boo-yah.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality QuizWhatever happened to Batgirl? Until recently I had no idea that the original Batwoman had been eaten alive by a metal tiger sometime during the late 1970s . Bummer .Metaphors are neat.
What Classic Movie Are You?
I could never get this stuff in Wisconsin for whatever reason, but I can get Schlitz 12 packs for $5.99 in the Bronx/Yonkers fairly easily. My new favorite cheap-as-shit-beer. I highly recommend it. Just look at how blitzed this guy is for Christ's sake. Get Blitzed with Schlitz- the Beer that Made Milwaukee Famous. Schaefer is a pretty good bet when nary a Schlitz is to be found .
My hands-down-favorite President of the United States of America is CHESTER A. ARTHUR . My parents live on a street named in his honor. In fact, I'm such a huge fan of his that I campaigned for him in 2004. Afterall, let's face facts- the only good president is a dead president .
The status quo can go take a flying f*** at a rolling doughnut. Bruce Springsteen is a douchebag. Bob Dylan is a hack.
I never say that I am "waiting on line." Instead, I prefer "waiting in line." In place of the more-or-less standard "drinking fountain, or "water fountain" I say "bubbler." And no, a bubbler is not necessarily a bong. If one refers to a carbonated drink generically as either a "pop" or a "coke" I am more inclined to think them some sort of hillbilly.
A Bubbler (made of solid gold ).
Generally, I tend to say that the glass is half empty -- half empty because you drank my half . I would appreciate it if you gave it back. However, there are cases where the glass is indubitably half full . For example--when a nude autumnal sprite is filling your glass with some variant of roofie-colada [see below].