I am a kid at heart. I'm very laid back. I look at the bright side of things so much, it's probably hard to not punch me in the face sometimes... and harder still not to re-punch me in the face when I looked at the bright side of the first fist sandwich.
I like to make up words... Words like re-punch.
I'm very spontaneous. There's a huge chance I'll do something on a whim if you act really excited about how fun it's going to be. Even if it's a 14 hour car trip to clean out your old storage space.
I once pretended I hated left handed people as a statement about how stupid racism is. It didn't work. I'm sure there are still normal people out there that think I'm crazy, and crazy people who have found solace in finding someone who hates the same people as them.
I am qualified to make a lot more money than I do right now, but I've found my calling in teaching and enjoy it much more than anything else I could ever imagine, with the possible exception of being a super hero