Studying Law and politics!! I am a hardcore democrat. My main career goal is to become a us senator for the state of ny, one day.I will run on a platform of full or adequte financial support for higher education,like persuing your phd, masters,or legal career. I also want democrats to push for more family values, morals, and promote an infrastruture to support the dying institute of marriage.Especially, amomg the minority communites. Take back the house!! Take back the senate!! I am an enviromentalist and a big supporter of the united nations....
Micheal Jackson: Why? So I can get nightmares and help him find his real noseO.J.: Why? So I can help him find the real killers. how can he go on? (giggles)Tori Spelling: Why? So I won't be feel bad when I am having a bad hair day, she has a bad face day, eveydayMarilyn Monroe: Why? The original vamp, I am just fasinatedBrad Pitt:Why? I am a red blooded woman.....Mike Tyson: Why?: Because I want to witness the awe of his illiterate behavior and two year old vocubularyAngelina Jolie: Because she is beautiful, talented, and smoking hot, man o man, if I was gay I WOULD be obessed. (more than I am now) I mean those lips, those eyes, and those phat tattoos! I want to learn how to seduce like that. I saw Angelina singing " I got your man and you can't do anything about it!" Her movies are hot!!! Girl Interuptted, Taking lives, and one of my most fav movies, "Original Sin" that sex scence was so hot, I can't even wacth it with a guy, not even a male pet. Just Kidding, my rabbit is still a virgin!! And she does charity!!President Bush: Why?: Why not?Beyonce: Why? Because she made that word "Bootylicious" I love herHalle Berry: Why? Because it took balls to do a love scence with Billy wrinKle bob Thorton. Yuk....ewwwww...Micheal Jordon: Why? To see if IS he real...I suspect he is a robot that willl just vanishTom Cruise: Why? So I can bust his ass when his nutty behind tries to jump on "my" couch50 Cents: Why?: So I can yell really loud " G UNIT!!!!"Paris Hilton: Why?I would like to ask her about her.. ahhh... skills.....Bob Marley: I am Jamaican....and he made reggae..what would we do without reggae?...
Everything I can go from rap, reggae, the beatles, the 8o's very few very very selective heavy metal, ( I am black) everything!! give me a listen and I WILL tell you..... I am easy... with music...
Drama................1. The ten Commandments2. Ben Hur3. Al Pacino Scar Face4. Gladiator5. Godfather part one and two not three6. A street Car Named Desire7. Lord of the Rings8. Saving private Ryan ( best war movie)9. Braveheart10. The First RockySpecial Effects....................1. King Kong2. Jurrasic Park3. Titanic4. Terminator part two5. Chronicles of Narnia6. Lord of the Rings7. Star Wars8. Who framed Roger Rabbit?9. Excorcist10. The MatrixBest Love Movies1. Ghost / Gone with the wind2. Dirty Dancing3. Ever After4. Titanic5. House of Flying daggers6. Hero7. Crouching Tiger8. Dancing with wolves9. Beauty and the Beast10. Edward Scissor HandsBest Action Movies.........1. Terminator Trilogy2. Indiana Jones Trilogy3. Rambo4. Superman Orginal5. Spider man Original6. Passenger 577. Original James Bond 0078. The first Batman ( with Jack Nicolson)9. Predator Orginal10. SpeedTop Ten Horror Movies.....................1) JAWS PART ONE. 2)Original Freedy Nightmare on ELM STREET3)Original Jason4) Original THE RING5) Original Texas Chain saw Massacre6) The Grudge Original ( Asian version) JU-ON7)Cat Woman With Halle Berry ( JUST KIDDING BUT IT WAS SCARY !!)7) Original Alien8) nIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD9) 28 DAYS later10) The Shining...
CNN.... 20/20 / NIGHT LINE,DISCOVERY CHANNELHISTORY CHANNELSeinfeld the comedyThe honeymooners re-runsMarried with Childten re-runsThree's company re-runs ( the chrissy years)Martinthe SimpsonsThe JeffersonsCheersThe Odd CoupleI love LucyThe flinstones...
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