We make unique and distinctive bags, skirts and jewellery using bold prints and retro inspiration. We aim to present a quirky and nostalgic collection of alternative and original accessories for those who dare to be different.
Our designs would suit any Fruits, Emo, Kitsch, Pin-up, Retro, Rockabilly, Gothic, Punk and Alternative styles. We use funky and fabulous fabrics and all our products come fully lined.
We specialise in custom designs - so if you have any requests by way of a custom creation then just take a look at our profile pictures for some inspiration and send us a message, get in touch and tell us what you want!
We also customise bags and skirts in different themes such as Hello Kitty, 50's, Trailer Trash, Rockabilly etc so if you’d like us to customise a bag in a particular theme then just message away!
All products are handmade and are totally D.I.Y. - from sourcing the fabric and materials, to the design and the making.
If you want to buy any of our existing products or place a custom order, then the information you need can be found in our blogs. If you have any other questions, then please message us. All prices vary depending on the particular design, and we will do our best to accommodate you.
We really appreciate any feedback, comments and suggestions - so feel free to contact us.
Thanks for checking out CHERRYBOMB CUSTOM DESIGNS!
Cherrybomb would love it if you could post one of our banners on your page - we will gladly do the same for you - just copy and paste one of the codes above.
C x
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