I'm a dude... I guess that's the best way to describe it. Dude = pretty laid back, enjoys sports, beer, women, kicks to the groin, and meat...
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Yankees Comedy Basketball Music Youtube.com Home cookin' Hot Pockets
I'm not really looking to MEET anyone... but if you're chill and can hold a conversation, I's have no problem talkin' to ya...
All types of rock, maybe some Sinatra, classic rock, oldies, some rap, metal...
Holy Grail, The Producers, BASEketball, The Godfather I & II, The Usual Suspects, My Cousin Vinny, Trading Places, Dr. Strangelove, Young Frankenstine, Boondock Saints, American History X, Ghostbusters I & II, Brazil
The Simpsons, Seinfeld, MST3K, Sports Center, The Ali G Show, PTI, Jackass, Law&Order, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Yankees, Giants, Rangers, and Knicks games.
Don't Stand Too Close To A Naked Man
Mariano Rivera, Ronan Tynan, Don LaFontaine