Learning about myself and others. Music, Beach, MntBike, Riding (Horse), construction work, Yea I like to fix things when they want to be, movies, symphony, education, metaphysics, psychology, leaning new things... through experience Miracles
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Anyone who is down to earth and easy to laugh sucessful together.**If you are a child, anyone under 21, please don't e-mail me to be friends, or for advice or for any other reason. If your an adult, don't email me to sell me something, for money or any other reason that is dulpisitus." / Get Your Own Voice Player Manage
Just about anything that is not negative like gangster rap/hate music I listen to country, Latin, classical, new age, modern, pop, retro, oldies, trans, dance much more...
Any movie I don't know the ending to before it starts, except if it is funny...my faviorite movies are Sordid Lives, The Secret, North by Northwest and The Shining and 2001
Don't watch alot of TV, but when i do it is usually The Andy Griffit Show, I love Lucy, The Jeffersons or other older comedies. I do like some new ones like Office and SVU Law and Order
Songs of Solomon, Jazz, Manifest your destiny, Coversations with God, Return to Love, Course in Miricles, How to Know God, You can Heal your Life, The Power is Within
Some of my teachers Abramam, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, also I find people Like Ricky Martin, Cher, Gloria who stand up for what they love to be people I admire... Martin Luther, Aunty Gin, Dillin Tom open the door and let them in.... Paul is a good guy too... and everyone who understands and can relate to The color purple or can laugh at Sorid Lives (-: