I'm interested in many things. I'm interested in art. I'm interested in music. I'm interested in God. I'm interested in Video Games. I'm interested in technology. I'm interested in crazy looking things. I'm interested in accepting things for what they are. I'm interested in looking past what others think, and forming my own ideas on subjects. I'm interested in finding somebody to love. I'm interested in living on my own. I'm interested in free will.
Told you I'm interested in a lot of things. :)
David Firth
I like a variety of music. Two genres I'm not a fan of are these: Rap and Country. Really, I don't mind anything else.
Even the heavy screaming metal bands. Even them. :)
Let's just say I like good music.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and The Great Gatsby.
Anyone who takes the time to appreciate kindness and give it graciously themselves. If you wait patiently, say "Please" and "Thank you", and appreciate what you're given - you are my hero.