We don't wanna talk about our selfs so here are some things people have said about us.I here slap hands is just a couple Gays that love anal...
(Chad)ahahahah you guys suck, what fag would play bass for you guys?
(Russell)slap hands give me eargasms
(Flippant)You guys fucking rule!
(McCaskill)you're sick
(Dale)i've become fond of the bleeding in my ears.
(Janet)Hey you guys were awesome last night!!
Love the girl Newsom scared last night.
(Raven)adam is the looker of the band
(Janet)All your band does is sit in your attic and talk crap about Green Day.
(Adams Dad)you despicable spic lover! DIE
(Janet)you guys fucking ruled at the drawls show
(King J Vodka)
My Interests
Member Since: 3/25/2006
Band Members: Adam
Influences: Slayer, Flatfoot 56, Minor Threat, Huntingtons, Queers, Descendants, Beatles,
Sounds Like:
Record Label: dyslexia records
Type of Label: Indie
My Blog
You proably wont be seeing us for a while
Because of some things me and Adam wont be able to play together for a while. Hopefully we will be able to get some stuff together in a month or two, but for right now I’m just gonna work ... Posted by Slap Hands on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 09:57:00 PST
If you don’t read this cats will eat your face.
Yea so a few weeks ago me and Adam saw the Drawls The Last Hope and Flatfoot 56. It was a badass show all around. We talked to the guys from the Drawls and they are coming to play a show w... Posted by Slap Hands on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 08:29:00 PST
Bass Player Wanted
Slap Hands is looking for a bass player. It would be nice if you lived in Jackson and liked punk rock. You don't need to be that great. Posted by Slap Hands on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 09:29:00 PST
Update 3
Yea we finished our cd. We couldn't think of a name so they all have diffrent ones. They are only a dollar if you want one. If you live outside Jackson just send me an adress and I'l... Posted by Slap Hands on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 12:39:00 PST
Update 2
Recorded today. Sounds good. New stuff should be up in like a week or so. I mean it this time. I think. We have played like 3 1/2 shows since the last update. We li... Posted by Slap Hands on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 05:59:00 PST
Update 1
Yea so the Ear explosion show rocked. McCaskill stod in on bass. Hodge rocked. Hall Monitors rocked. Project Cream rocked. We got inteeviewd on th Hodge Show. Some dude n... Posted by Slap Hands on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 07:25:00 PST
Thank you Dingees
Thank you The Dingees for helping us get our songs up.Check them outmyspace.com/thedingees Posted by Slap Hands on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 07:51:00 PST