Name: brittany
Nicknames: britt and brose
Birthday: 9-20-89
Gender: female
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Height: 5'3
Zodiac Sign: virgo
Graduation Year: 08
Movie: love and basketball
TV Show: fresh prince
Book: coldest winter ever
Color: black
Food: shrimp
Drink(Non-Alcoholic): applejuice
Drink(Alcoholic): anything friuty
Scent: lovespell
Actor: will smith
Actress: sannaa lathan
Sport: football
Cartoon Character: tigger
Store: bodycentral wet seal
City: newyork
Vacation Spot: las vegas
Band: pretty rickey
Song: pop bottles
Football Team: none
Basketball Team: none
Baseball Team: none
NCAA Team: none
Animal: peguin
Magazine: xxl
Candy: watermelon lollypops
Restaurant: fridays
Jewelry: my b ring
Day of the Week: friday
Ice Cream Flavor: cookie dough
Number: 4
Your Best Friend: pooh
Your Shoulder to Cry on: kaneishas
Do You Have More Girl or Guy Friends: guy
Who do You Consider a Sister: kaneisha
Who do You Consider a Brother: mike
Who Knows All Your Secrets: pooh
Do You Have An Enemy: do i there aint enogh room to list them
Boyfriend or Girlfriend: naw
Do You Like Someone: yea
Been in a Car Wreck: not yet
Been Arrested: not yet
Broken the Law: yea
Been Skinny Dipping: naw
Been in Love: yea
Smoked: yea
Drank: yea
Been High: yea
Smoked Pot: yea
Been Kicked Out of School: yea
Skipped School: yea
Failed a Class: yea
Broken a Bone: nope
Shoplifted: yea
Tried to Intentionally Hurt Someone: yep
Fell Asleep in Class: hell yea
Been in a Fight: yep
Been Out of the US: no
Had Surgery: no
Spent the Night in the Hospital: yea
Snuck Out of Your House: yea
Lied to Your Parents: yea
Showered at Someone of the Opposite Sex's House: yea
Saw Someone Die: yea
Had a Near-Death Experience: nope
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: naw
Had a Broken Heart: yep
Broke Someones Heart: yep
Cried Over The Opposite Sex: yea
Played a Game Requiring the Removal of Clothing: hahaha
Laughed Until You Cried: yea
Slept Under The Stars: no
Mooned or Flashed Someone: hahaha hell yea
Killed an Animal: yea
Prank Called Someone: yea
Slept in the Same Bed as the Opposite Sex: yea
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: i cnt remeber i think it was brandon
Kiss: ethan
Car: i dnt kno
Trip Out of Your State: dnt remeber
Job: chik fila
School: saint james
Slowdance: i dnt remeber
Trip to a Beach:
Celeb Crush: kell from kenan and kel
Best Friend: kaneisha
Pet: a cat
True Love: weird as flem
Time You Were Out of Your State: las summer
Slowdance: las night
Movie You Saw at the Theater..(With Who): saw 4 wit chris tifa and renzo
Person You Talked to on the Phone: kayla
Song You Heard: pop bottles
Broken Heart: ummm a min ago
Thing You Ate: chiken salad
Thing You Drank: water
Person You Hugged: my route
Shower: 15 min ago
Show You Watched on TV: videos
Trip to a Mall: day b4 my bday
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Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: brittany
Age?: 18
Height?: 5'3
Weight?: 140
Birthday?: 9-20-89
Birthplace?: west penn
Current Location?: wilkinsburg
School/Grade?: senior
Zodiac Sign?: virgo
Chinese Zodiac Sign?:
Righty or Lefty?: lefty
Haircolor?: brwn red
Eyecolor?: brwn
Skin Color?: lght brwn
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: normal
Any Pets?: 1
If So What Are They?: a dog
Favorite Relative?: my mom
Least Favorite Relative?: cuz
What's Your Heritage/Race?: blck
Political Affilation?:
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: straight
Are You In A Relationship Now?: kinda
If So, With Whom?: he kno who he is
For How Long?: like 4 months
Are You In Love?: maybe
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: yea
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: fuck no i aint gay bitch
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: 2 young 2 rember
Virgin?: no
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: 15
Was It Enjoyable?: i geuss
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: all the way
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: on my lips
Best Love Quote?: never leave the 1 u love 4 the 1 u like cu the 1 u like will leave u 4 the 1 they love
Your Friends
Best?: pooh
How Many Do You Have?: 3-4
More Guys Or Girls?: guys
Love Them All?: yea
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: yea
Oldest?: jeter
Newest?: mike
Pen Pal?: naw
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Pen: school
Flower: rose
Pink: colors
Window: shopper
Heart: breaker
Mother: father
Bread: winner
Insane: in the brain
Sunglasses: sunny
Pimp: c
Cross: God
Lonely: and sad
Car: crystler
Music: weezy
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Thongs or G-Strings?: neither boy shorts all day
Shorts or Pants?: shorts
Shoes or Barefeet?: barefeet
Books or Movies?: movies
Night or Day?: night
Dark or Light?: dark
Mountains or Beach?: beach
Snow or Sun?: sun
Pepsi or Coke?: pepsi
Guys or Girls?: guys
Swim or Surf?: swim
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: wateva floats ya boat
Abortion?: for
Bush Getting Re-elected?: against
Suicide?: against
War?: against
Pants?: wateva
Clothes In General?: for
Penises?: for
Color?: black
Number?: 4 ans 18
Holiday?: my birthday
Season?: summer
Movie?: love and basketball
Book?: coldest winter eva
Magazine?: xxl
Food?: apple jacks
Drink?: cranberry juice
TV Show?: fresh prince
Song?: pussy money weed
Band?: none
Computer Game?: frogger
Video Game?: driving games
Anime/Manga?: neither
Shirt?: sure
Pants?: maybe
Actor?: will smith
Actress?: sanaa lathan
Singer?: keyshia cole
Flower?: rose
Scent?: love spell or pear
Animal?: peguin
Cookie?: chocolate chip
The Future
Want To Go To College?: yea
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: a nurse
Want To Get Married?: depends
Want To Have Kids?: if i get married
What Would Their Names Be?: la'nay,jr,nicole
How Many?: 1-3
Where Do You Want To Live?: i dnt kno
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: some place nice
How Do You Want To Die?: in my sleep
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: 7
Tattoos?: 3
Smoke?: yea
Drink?: sometimes but not really
Do Drugs?: no
Skinny Dip?: not yet
Greatest Fear?: loosen my front teeth
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
Go To Church?: sometimes
Religion?: christian
Scars?: no
CDs Owned?: alot
Collections?: no
Like To Be Naked?: depends
Ever Eaten Sushi?: no
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: hell no
Been On Stage?: yea
Danced In The Rain?: yea
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: hell no
Weirdest Dream?: lets not get into that 1
Best Dream?: dnt even get me started
Saddest Dream?: dnt remeber
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: again dnt even get me started
Think You're Attractive?: yea im a cutie
Shoplifted?: yea
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: maybe
Weirdest Makeout Place?: bathroom
Like Thunderstorms?: hell no
Favorite Shoes?: some fresh j's or butters
Favorite Quote?: fuck it
Best Advice Given?: fuck it
Worst Advice Given?: fuck him
Favorite Song Lyric?: she said u got htis girl srpung she got me sprung 2 she said both yall dumb
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: everything happens 4 a reason
Glad This Is Over?: sure
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my mom mr george