kristine profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

PeOpLe sAy i Look SUPLADA.….well, i cAn bE SUPLADA if I reAlLy wAnt tO…. buT i'M nOt. PeopLe teNd tO gEt iNtimiDatEd bY thEir fiRst imPressIoN, bUt i teLL yOu.…soMetimEs, whAt You sEe isN't exAcTly whAt yOu gEt….i aLsO haPpeN tO hAte pEopLe whO aRe incOnsiDeraTe...pEoPle whO thiNk HIGHLY of themselvesi liKe peOplE wHo aRe beAutiFul iNside and oUt, for the truest beauty lies in a person's truest character. one can never really decipher the uniqueness of a person until she sees right through the other person's eyes….i C0uLd bE Ur bEstFrieNd oR uR fReaKin' wOrsT eNemY... taKe uR piCk...iT aLL dEpenDs 0n Y-O-U !!! aNd iF u wOulD 0nLy shOw me SomE kinDness I aSsurE u we'LL gonNa hAve A bLast aNd eveRytHin' wiLL fAll rIghTly iNt0 plaCe c0z i aInt hEre tO makE liFe bOring... wE'll g0nNa haVe tOns of Laughter til 0ur jaws fiNally dropped…Bwahahaha…. OK I WARN ALL YOU PEOPLE... TO MIND YOUR OWN MOTHA FUCKIN' BIZ... I'M NOT THE SAME GIRL YOU USED TO BULLY BACK THEN... COZ WHEN I GET ANGRY I DON'T GET EVEN I GET EVIL... I'M A GOOD HEARTED PERSON BUT I COULD BE YOUR WORST ENEMY TO THOSE WHO DESERVE IT ..GOT THAT? ... _______0000000000______0000000000______ _____000________000__000________000____ ____000___________0000___________000___ ___000_____________00_____________000__ ___000____________________________000__ ___000____________________________000__ ____000__________________________000___ _____000________________________000____ ______000______________________000_____ ________000__________________000_______ __________000______________000_________ ____________000__________000___________ _______________000____000______________ _________________000000________________ ___________________00__________________ _______________________________________ _888___8888_8888888_8888888_888888888__ _888__888___888_____888_____888____888_ _88888______888888__888888__888_88888__ _888_888____888_____888_____888________ _888__88888_8888888_8888888_888________ _______________________________________ _00000___0000___0000__00__00_00_00___00 _00__00_00__00_00__00_00_00__00_000__00 _00000__00__00_00_____0000___00_00_0_00 _00_00__00__00_00__00_00_00__00_00__000 _00__00__0000___0000__00__00_00_00___00 _______________________________________ ___________$$$$$_______$$$$$$__________ ________0000___666___999___0000________ ____8888__________&&&__________8888____ _&&&________88___________88________&&&am p;_ ____8888______88888888888______8888____ _______0000_________________0000_______ __________6666___________9999__________ _____________8888888888888_____________ _______________________________________ [email protected]

My Interests

bags,cell phones, gadgets,cars, sports, make up, sneakers, watch, cute tops, chocolates

I'd like to meet:

I prefer someone wHo Can take iT aS well aS dish It oUt; someone wHo Can also bE honest when iT becomes tOO much. Basically, what I want iS someone wHo cAn kick mY aSS- then snuggle with mE when tHe ass-kIckinG iS over.


pop-rock, rnb, love song...


freaky friday, legally blonde,hot chick,elf,cayote ugly, my bestfriends wedding,down with love


i hate books.........!!!!!!!!!!!


whoa!!!!!! Superman!!!!!!!!!!!

My Blog

kissin` rulz!!!!!!

kissing someone, make sure it is not someone else's b/f or g/f You may NOT eat pizza anytime before you make out. If a person is a bad kisser, you may NOT stop and leave at anytime it's ru...
Posted by kristine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

para sa mga singles..............

Bakit ba tuwing may "get2geder" ang mga tao, mapa-family reunion man or simpleng barkada gimik, ang unang tanong sayo ay "May boyfriend ka ba?" at bago ka pa maka-sagot ay maririni...
Posted by kristine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST