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Your time is up and I claim that which is owed no matter where u go I will always be there and not e

About Me

Ask urself how come ppl run and hide from me? That fear the hate it drives me. I feed off it like nobody else can. To break someone makes my day. You might ask where I come from why am I like this but u already kno the answer cause u been there then left. Everytime you felt rage and ignored it, everytime u hated then forgot it, everytime u hurt and walked away from it, I am at the center of all those. I am what u fear to be and one day when I am stonrger then anyone else I will force my world into yours and take everything u hold dear. Not a threat only a promise.

My Interests

MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) like Pride Fighting Championship and UFC (not a great promo though but good fighters) and K1-Heros.

I'd like to meet:


Anything Good.


Impossible is a big word thrown around by small people who find easier to live in a world they have been given rather than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact; it is an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration; It is a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary.


You Are a Hunter Soul
You are driven and ambitious - totally self motiviated to succeed
Actively working to acheive what you want, you are skillful in many areas.
You are a natural predator with strong instincts ... and more than a little demanding.
You are creative, energetic, and an extremely powerful force.
An outdoors person, you like animals and relate to them better than people.
You tend to have an explosive personality, but also a good sense of humor.
People sometimes see you as arrogant or a know it all.
You tend to be a bit of a loner, though you hate to be alone.
Souls you are most compatible with: Seeker Soul and Peacemaker Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?
Your Life Path Number is 8
Your purpose in life is to help others succeed
You are both a natural leader and a natural success. You are also a great judge of character.
You have a head for business and finance. You know how to make money.
A great visionary, you can see gold where other people see nothing.
In love, you are very generous - with gifts, time, and guidance.
You love to inspire people, but it can be frustrating when they don't understand your vision.
Great success comes easily for you. But so does great failure, as you are very reckless.
You are confident, and sometimes this confidence borders on arrogance. What Is Your Life Path Number?
Your Element Is Earth
You excel at planning and strategizing. You could be a champ at chess or Survivor.Well grounded, you are able to be realistic and rationalize. On the inside, you have a hard core. It's tough to phase you.You are super productive, and you are able to think anything through. Focused and super charged, your instincts are a good guide for your next step. What's Your Element?
You Are Rain
You can be warm and sexy. Or cold and unwelcoming.
Either way, you slowly bring out the beauty around you.
You are best known for: your touch
Your dominant state: changing What Type of Weather Are You?
Your Power Level is: 85%
You have all the tools you need to be a success - both professionally and personally.
You'll probably go beyond reaching your goals. You'll change the world (at least a little). How Powerful Are You?
Your Power Color Is Teal
At Your Highest:
You feel accomplished and optimistic about the future.
At Your Lowest:
You feel in a slump and lack creativity.
In Love:
You tend to be many people's ideal partner.
How You're Attractive:
You make people feel confident and accepted.
Your Eternal Question:
"What Impression Am I Giving?" What's Your Power Color?

Your Personality Profile
You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.
For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong. The World's Shortest Personality Test


Anybody who is strong in mind, body, and soul.....

My Blog

Fuck You

I would have stayed quiet but I have to brag I have to throw things in ppls face to bring them down. Broken to the very core. Almost strong enoughI hope each and everyone of you put ur best foot fo...
Posted by Reborn as your greatest nightmare on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:06:00 PST