man these profiles sure ask a lot of questions my interests are probabley the same as yours reading movies,music, friends
a girl that is smart, funny attractive someone that will compliment my personality. a freespirit but yet is willing to just sit around and watch a movie. i want a girl that will accept me for who i am and will understand that i m not perfect
i appreciate all types of music some of my favorite artists, tool apc, kanye,jay-z,radiohead audioslave and of course lil jon
my fav director would have to be quentin tarantino i think hes a film genius my favorite movies would be pulp fiction fight club, memento in no specific order i am also a big fan of m. night symalan i liked all of his movies
i have been a huge fan of 24 since the second season but othe then that i like law and order,lost and of course the contender
now that school is over i actually have time to do some recreational reading. i plan on reading the da vinci code, reefer madness andwhatever other book seems interesting
anybody that challenged conventional barriers from musicians such as ray charles and robert johnson people that pushed the barriers of theyre music despite the consequences if they failed. there are also politicians that i admire such as john mccain and joe liebermen who continue to look past party affiliation in order to come up with the best solution to a problem.