~*We way 2 COOL.....Oh7*~ profile picture

~*We way 2 COOL.....Oh7*~

~*Bitchy.......Yeah, slightly me and my girls just dont know how to say FUCK U, politely*~

About Me

What's up My Space, it's ya girl Julya, currently holdin it down for tha 7 cities, i am a Senior at Kings Fork High School and in my free time I enjoy chillin with my girls or chillin with my boo!!! I dont fuck wit to many girls cause they talk to much, but i do have a few who stand out from the rest: Kiara- (My best friend), what would i do without you, you've been there for me through thick and thin i dont know how i'm gonna survive when we have to separate for college, i couldnt have asked for a better best friend. Tiffany- what more can i say than, I love you!!!I know we fuss over stupid stuff but our friendship ending, yeah right thats just like you and Vernon breaking up, NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!People can try but they not gonna take you from me!!! Jaleesha- I've known you tha longest and out of all of my friends you have the most common sense(lol) you always had an honest opinion, and wheather you know it or not i do be listening, but you know me, i gotta find out shit for myself, but thanks for all that you do, i'mma miss you so much next year. Johnnetta- I'm so glad you finally go a myspace.....YAY!!!Girl of all my friends you and i have tha most in common, i feel like i can tell you anything and you wouldnt look at me any differently, and thats something i cant say about alot of people, you were there for me when it seem like everyone else was against me, you are on of the best friends that i have and i love you!!!! Quanitta- you have been my motivation through all my drama, thanks!!! Shawanda(my big sista) Girl, u know I love u, u gave me my, if bitches dont like me fuck them attitude, and i needed that. Suga- we got so close so quick, i'mma miss u so much next year but i'll still call u everyday, i promise. Ashleigh-my nigga, that's all i gotta say(lol)I know you got my back no matter what!!! THE HATERS-(that just cant keep my name out their mouth) Thank you& Keep doin what u do, cause it's only makin me a better person, i love u guys!!!! ~julya~Layouts By Brianna
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

T.I., Ciara, Beyonce, Rhianna
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Your Myspace Top 8... in depth!
First things first... name your top 8.
#1: Kiara
#2: Tiffany
#3: Quanitta
#4: Jaleesha
#5: Shawanda
#6: Sugar
#7: Ransheda
#8: Keshara
About #1
Why are they in spot number one?: Y, she's my best friend!!!
Have you ever dated them?: No homo
Can this person sing well?: hell no
What do you love most about this person?: i can be myself around her
How old were you when you met them?: ummm...13, or somethin like that
Where do you often go with this person?: We be EVERYWHERE
About #2:
Why are they number 2?: She's my other best friend
Do you go to school with them?: Yep
What is this person's favorite type of music?: anything that Beyonce sing(lol)
Would you take a bullet for this person?: Damn right, i would
What do you love most about this person?: That i cant count on her for ANYTHING
What was your first impression of them?: this bitch worsome( but i luv u to death now)
About #3:
Why is this person on your top 8?: Shes helps keep my head on straight
How do you know this person?: school
Does this person like to draw?: hell no
What do you love most about this person?: she can make me laugh we i'm having the worst day
What color are this person's eyes?: brown
When did you meet this person?: in sixth grade
About #4:
Why is this person on your top 8?: We're best friends
How tall is this person?: bout 5'7
What is their best physical feature?: her skintone
Does this person like to sleep?: yeah... i guess
When in a group with this person, who else is there?: usually Kiara and Tiffany
What do you love most about this person?: she speaks her mind
About #5:
Why is this person on your top 8?: she keeps me motivated
How old were they when you met?: 17
Does this person play a musical instrument?: shawanda, music.....yeah right
Is this person like a brother/sister to you?: definetly
Have you ever gone on a vacation with this person?: unfortunately not
What do you love most about this person?: she tell it like it is
About #6:
Why is this person on your top 8?: she my boo
Does this person like to read?: no
What is their favorite band or singer?: Omarion
Does this person play a sport for a school team?: Yep....Basketball #45
Would you ever kiss this person?: no homo
What do you love most about this person?: shes always has an honest opinion
About #7:
Why is this person on your top 8?: cuz she my boo 2
What are this person's hobbies?: playing basketball
Where did you meet this person?: in EFE
How much older/younger is this person than you?: 1 yr. younger
Is this person a myspace junkie?: na
What do you love most about this person?: she is funny as hell
About #8:
Why is this person on your top 8?: Cuz i love her to death
What is one thing you and this person have in common?: we've been all over tha world
How long have you known this person?: my whole life
Can this person dance?: yep
Does this person often go to the movies?: yes......i think
What do you love most about this person?: she's tha sweetest person u could ever meet
Matchmaking - Would these two make a good couple?
1 and 7:
6 and 3:
2 and 4:
5 and 8:
3 and 2:
1 and 4:
5 and 7:
8 and 6:
What would you do if...
3 kissed you?: nothin if it was on tha cheek
6 slapped you?: My Sugar, would never slap me
2 bought you something expensive?: Give her a HUGE hug and say thanx a million times
1 gave you a million dollars?: Kiara, giving out money....yeah right
4 spread rumors about you?: brush that shit off
8 admitted to liking you?: my n my girls fuck wit NIGGAS only
5 secretly hated you?: My sister loves me
7 stole something from you?: be very dissappointed in her
Have you ever...
Gone on a trip with 2?: not yet
Smoked pot or otherwise with 7?: thats not very lady like
Shoplifted something with 5?: nope
Had a secret crush on 6?: no homo
Walked over 5 miles with 1?: yep
Shared food/drinks with 3?: yeah, wit her stingy ass(lol)
French-kissed 8?: no homo
Pushed 4 into a pool?: nope
What is your favorite memory with each of your top 8?
1: The Taco Bell incident(lol)
2: The Taco Bell incident(lol)
3: When i dropped my damn fries(lol)
4: Oscar Smith Boys (lol)
5: Last year in English(lol)
6: Runnin through the halls lookin for haters(lol)
7: The text message(now that shit wont funny)
8: Apollo in Spain(lol)
Who is the most/___est? Use each person only once!!
Tall?: Jaleesha
Short?: Keshara
Funny?: Ransheda
Just plain crazy?: Quanitta
Shy?: Sugar
Talkative?: Tiffany
Adventurous?: Shawanda
Intelligent?: Jaleesha
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