T.I., Ciara, Beyonce, Rhianna
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Your Myspace Top 8... in depth!
First things first... name your top 8.
#1: Kiara
#2: Tiffany
#3: Quanitta
#4: Jaleesha
#5: Shawanda
#6: Sugar
#7: Ransheda
#8: Keshara
About #1
Why are they in spot number one?: Y, she's my best friend!!!
Have you ever dated them?: No homo
Can this person sing well?: hell no
What do you love most about this person?: i can be myself around her
How old were you when you met them?: ummm...13, or somethin like that
Where do you often go with this person?: We be EVERYWHERE
About #2:
Why are they number 2?: She's my other best friend
Do you go to school with them?: Yep
What is this person's favorite type of music?: anything that Beyonce sing(lol)
Would you take a bullet for this person?: Damn right, i would
What do you love most about this person?: That i cant count on her for ANYTHING
What was your first impression of them?: this bitch worsome( but i luv u to death now)
About #3:
Why is this person on your top 8?: Shes helps keep my head on straight
How do you know this person?: school
Does this person like to draw?: hell no
What do you love most about this person?: she can make me laugh we i'm having the worst day
What color are this person's eyes?: brown
When did you meet this person?: in sixth grade
About #4:
Why is this person on your top 8?: We're best friends
How tall is this person?: bout 5'7
What is their best physical feature?: her skintone
Does this person like to sleep?: yeah... i guess
When in a group with this person, who else is there?: usually Kiara and Tiffany
What do you love most about this person?: she speaks her mind
About #5:
Why is this person on your top 8?: she keeps me motivated
How old were they when you met?: 17
Does this person play a musical instrument?: shawanda, music.....yeah right
Is this person like a brother/sister to you?: definetly
Have you ever gone on a vacation with this person?: unfortunately not
What do you love most about this person?: she tell it like it is
About #6:
Why is this person on your top 8?: she my boo
Does this person like to read?: no
What is their favorite band or singer?: Omarion
Does this person play a sport for a school team?: Yep....Basketball #45
Would you ever kiss this person?: no homo
What do you love most about this person?: shes always has an honest opinion
About #7:
Why is this person on your top 8?: cuz she my boo 2
What are this person's hobbies?: playing basketball
Where did you meet this person?: in EFE
How much older/younger is this person than you?: 1 yr. younger
Is this person a myspace junkie?: na
What do you love most about this person?: she is funny as hell
About #8:
Why is this person on your top 8?: Cuz i love her to death
What is one thing you and this person have in common?: we've been all over tha world
How long have you known this person?: my whole life
Can this person dance?: yep
Does this person often go to the movies?: yes......i think
What do you love most about this person?: she's tha sweetest person u could ever meet
Matchmaking - Would these two make a good couple?
1 and 7:
6 and 3:
2 and 4:
5 and 8:
3 and 2:
1 and 4:
5 and 7:
8 and 6:
What would you do if...
3 kissed you?: nothin if it was on tha cheek
6 slapped you?: My Sugar, would never slap me
2 bought you something expensive?: Give her a HUGE hug and say thanx a million times
1 gave you a million dollars?: Kiara, giving out money....yeah right
4 spread rumors about you?: brush that shit off
8 admitted to liking you?: my n my girls fuck wit NIGGAS only
5 secretly hated you?: My sister loves me
7 stole something from you?: be very dissappointed in her
Have you ever...
Gone on a trip with 2?: not yet
Smoked pot or otherwise with 7?: thats not very lady like
Shoplifted something with 5?: nope
Had a secret crush on 6?: no homo
Walked over 5 miles with 1?: yep
Shared food/drinks with 3?: yeah, wit her stingy ass(lol)
French-kissed 8?: no homo
Pushed 4 into a pool?: nope
What is your favorite memory with each of your top 8?
1: The Taco Bell incident(lol)
2: The Taco Bell incident(lol)
3: When i dropped my damn fries(lol)
4: Oscar Smith Boys (lol)
5: Last year in English(lol)
6: Runnin through the halls lookin for haters(lol)
7: The text message(now that shit wont funny)
8: Apollo in Spain(lol)
Who is the most/___est? Use each person only once!!
Tall?: Jaleesha
Short?: Keshara
Funny?: Ransheda
Just plain crazy?: Quanitta
Shy?: Sugar
Talkative?: Tiffany
Adventurous?: Shawanda
Intelligent?: Jaleesha
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