we were messin wit da same guy... profile picture

we were messin wit da same guy...

And he DIDN'T have a twin...

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MySpace LayoutsClick Here For Myspace Layouts !Whats up myspace!!!! For all who do not know me, my name is Ms. Tiara Porter and I currently reside in stupid Suffolk... (LoL) There's a lot to say about me, but unfortunately I don't feel like typing all of it so read what u want on the profile and if you wanna talk 2me, just drop a note or whateva. What I WILL say is that I'm a real sweet 'ms lady' (cuz I'm not a GIRL...I've matured from that) and I love just being me... whoever doesn't like it? Well, I pray for you cuz I'm not going to change. Hate it or love it!! I love the friends I do have, and I'm real close with my family. They're all I've got!!! *RIP TO MY COUSIN COREY. WE WERE CLOSE, AND I MISS HIM SOO MUCH. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE UNTIL IT'S GONE... he was shot by some real ignorant niggaz. The fam is really struggling with his death, but we are determined to stay strong and let GOD have his way. For a long time I wanted to hurt them myself, but I know GOD will deal with them a lot worse than I ever could. I LOVE YOU COREY.
WHA THA FUCKK...........
IS YO NAME? Tiara Porter
IS YO HEIGHT? 5'9 (yea I'm tall...)
YO FAVORITE COLOR RED? damn how did you know?
WHA U WAKEUP THINKIN? Damn...another day another dollar
REAL SHIT.......
LOVE YOSLEF? of course! If not me, who?
WHO U LOVED? Honestly, I can say that I've only been in love 4REAL 4REAL with this one guy... he knows who he is
GOT LOVE FO YO PARENTS? I love them both, but they be trippin sometimes 4real
WHO U MISSIN LIKE CRAZY? OMG...besides my best friend Jasmine, that would have 2b Ronnie
LET YO FRIENDS DO DRUGS? yea! If they want 2, who am I to tell them not to? They just gonna do it anyway
WHO IS YO FRIEND? They know who they are
U A HATER WEN.......
A FEMALE LOOKS BETTA THAN U? HELL NO, cuz if there IS a female that DOES look better than me, so what? There's always someone who looks betta... I just take care of myself and do me, thats all I can do
A FEMALE KNEW YO DUDE LONGER THAN U? what kinda ignorant question is that? I don't care if she knew him longer than me... he's mine now!
SEEN AN OUTFIT U WERE GON BUY? No, I'll just go buy one that looks betta
IS U......
SINGLE? unfortunately
CUTE? I've heard that I am
FUNNY? yea... I laugh @myself sometimes... LOL!!!! (see?!!)
SHY? no I'm very outspoken
RESPECTFUL? when respect earned and given back to me..
A LIAR? I've told a fib once or twice... who hasn't? But I'm not a LIAR...
A FORGIVER? I can forgive, but it takes me a while to forget
A LOVER? I'm a lover not a fighter... but I will put somethin in yo ass if you cross me!
You scored as Basketball. You should play basketball- you're athletic enough (and most likely tall enough) to play the most popluar winter sport.













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My Interests

Like I said, I like to chill wit my fam a lot... they're like my best friends; I know I can always depend on them and trust them... well, most of them!! LOL I like to go to the malls a lot; shop shop shop!!!!!! I also LOVE going to the movies...party a lil bit too...ME N LIL CURTIS AkA Dre!!!!!!! We Porter's look good, don't we???
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Which South Park Character Are You?
Eric Theodore Cartman
You hate Jews and poor people; you are a natural born leader. Your mom waits on you hand and foot. You are very opinionated and are not afraid to show it. You're not fat; you're just big boned.

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WATS UR NAME:: Tiara DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOW LONG HAVE YALL KNOWN EACH OTHA:: damn near our entire lives... since we were like 4
HOW LONG HAVE YALL BEEN BESTFRIENDS:: we just got real close in the past 2yrs
WHAT DO YALL LIKE 2 DO 2GETHA:: EAT!!!!!!! Go to da movies, shop... laugh @people in church!!!
WOULD U DO ANYTHING 4 HA:: Damn right!! If they shootin up da place, I'm bringin da bullets!
WOULD U PIK YO MAN OVA HA:: HELLZ NO!! Hold up... how sexy is he????? LoL
DO U THINK YALL WILL LAST:: OF course... they my girls 4eva
DO YALL ARGUE OR GET ALONG MORE:: Well me and Jasmine argue A LOT, but thats only out of love!! Me and Kendra don't argue a lot...she's the silent yet DEADLY type!!
WAT WOULD U DO IF SHE DIED:: OMG...I don't want to think about that...
WAT IS YO FAV. THING BOUT HA:: It would have to be Jasmine's sense of humor in even the WORST situations, and Kendra's carefree attitude!! They both have me laughin all day
WAT CANT U STAND BOUT HA:: Sometimes Jasmine can be a little TOO high maintenance, and Kendra can sometimes be too shy/quiet...
WOULD U FITE 4 HA:: DAMN RIGHT!!! No one better EVER mess wit dem
WAT DO U REALLY THINK BOUT HA:: I think they are the bestest friends a girl could ever ask 4
WOULD U LEND HA MONEY AND TELL HA 2 PAY U BAK:: OF COURSE!! I love yall, but I need my money!!! LoL
WAT SONG DO U DEDICATE 2 HA:: Girl by Destiny's Child, What About yo Friends by TLC
WHY IS SHE YO BESTFRIEND:: Cuz they are always there for me, even when I get myself into stupid situations... they love me, flaws and all!! No Homo
IS SHE A GUD FRIEND:: They really are
HAVE U EVER KISSED HA:: HOLD UP!! HELL NAW!! We love eachother but none of that homo stuff ova hea
R U ALIKE:: YES!! Especially me n Jasmine... wild as hell!! I don't know how Kendra puts up wit us!!
DESCRIBE HA IN 4 WORDS:: Funny, smart, outgoing, charistmatic
WATS HER B-DAY:: Jasmine's is March 31st, Kendra's is November...OMG... I 4got...hope she's not readin this!!
HOW OLD IS SHE:: 18 and 20 as of 2007
WHERE WAS SHE BORN:: both were here in VA, but I'm not sure what city
WHERE IS SHE 4RM:: boring ass VA
WATS HER MIDDLE NAME:: Jamine Whitney Rice and Kendra Monet Silver (me n Kendra have da same mid. names!)
WATS HA NICKNAME(s):: I call Jasmine Demon, and Kendra Kenny
WATS HA HAIR COLOR:: Jasmine's is Black, Kendra has pretty honey blonde highlights
WATS HA EYE COLOR:: brown for them both
COLOR:: who cares??!!!
FOOD:: We love chinese food!!
SHOE:: Jasmine likes to wear heels all da time, Kendra's more into sneakers
MOVIE:: I think Jasmine likes Roots cuz her daddy acts like a civil rights leader (LOL!! Inside joke) and Kendra and her mama r always watchin Preachin 2da Choir!!!! LOL LOL
COTHING BRAND:: Jasmine is classy, business woman type, and Kendra is more sexy tomboy, playin basketball type
SINGER:: Jasmine I donno, but Kendra loves that damn Beyonce! She knows I hate her
RAPPER:: Jasmine I donno, but Kendra likes Jay-Z
STORE:: Jasmine likes American Eagle wit all da skinny white ppl clothes, and Kendra is more like whatever has cute stuff
ANIMAL:: I donno!!!
CARTOON:: The Boondocks I think...
ZODIAC SIGN:: I don't know dammit1!
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Get this and Myspace Layouts at MySpaceGeek.net!The whole dipset crew, lil scrappy, dem niggaz from Stomp The Yard (damn they were sexy!!!)
questionns about 11 family members.
Pick 11 random family members(not in order)
#1: Marcus
#2: Danielle
#3: Antwan
#4: India
#5: Chanell
#6: Chanay
#7: LiL Curtis
#8: June P AkA BJ
#9: James
#10: Larkin
#11: Corey RIP
About #1
Who are they?: My FAVORITE dude cuzzo (2nd cousin)
How old are they?: 23
Do they live with you?: no, unfortunately
Do they have any kids?: not that he knows of LOL
Single or Taken?: single, but he got enough hoochies tryin to get @him
Do you know their birthday?: some time in March..hell, I'm not good wit b-days!!
What's their favorite tv show?: He watches whatever when he's not @work
Do they drive?: yea...
How many tattoos do they have?: I don't think he has any yet
And of coarse the famous favorite color question..: RED
One word to describe this person:: GOOFY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you honestly love this person?: I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART
About #2
So who is it?: My nigga Danielle
How are you related?: My 2nd cousin (#1's sister)
What's this persons age?: 20
Boy or Girl?: girl, DUH!!!
When your around them, what's one thing you always do?: Hug her... she's so damn loveable!!
Are they annoying?: not really...but all the older ppl in my fam thinks she's soo perfect and we're always being compared to her... I guess thats annoying... but not her as a person
When was the lastime you saw them?: a few weeks ago
Do they have kids?: no!! She better not!!
One word to describe them:: LOVEABLE!!!!!!!!!!!
Where do they live?: Suffolk, til we find a place together somewher
Do you love this person?: I hONESTLY DO
About #3
Who is it?: My boo-boo Antwan ( 2nd Cousin; brother of #1 and #2)
Are they older than you?: yea; I think he's 21 now
What's their birthday?: don't get me to lying...I donno!!!
Got a nickname for them?: Twan
One thing you hate about this person:: How he lives WAAAAYYYYY in ATL...I miss him
Are they single or taken?: I donno...
What's their favorite color?: black I guess
Have you ever been to their house?: DUH!!!!!!! Well not the one in ATL, but when he was here of course
The last movie you watched with them: these are dumb questions... I donno!! LoL
Do they drink?: Nope!
Do you truely love this person?: I LOVE YOU TWAN!!!!!!!!!
About #4
Who is it?: MY FAVORITE GIRL CUZZO, INDIA! 1st cousin
Do they love you?: She betta!! LoL
How old are they?: 24
Do you know this persons middle name?: I neva can get it right
What's one thing that makes you mad about them?: I never really get mad at her... when I do it be over petty stuff like her not answering or returning my calls
Does this person have any pets?: no
Are they married?: nope
Last time you saw this person?: April 07
Favorite memory with them?: when I saw her EVERY summer and Holiday and she would take me everywhere with her, even when she didn't want to cuz I was 7 years her junior
As a kid, did you enjoy spending time with this person?: dAMN RIGHT!! She was my fav... she always looked after me, and still does
Do you love this person?: I LOVE HER TIL DEATH!!!!!!!! AND EVEN THEN I'LL LOVE HER!!
About #5
Who is it?: Chanell, married into da fam!! My 1st cuzzo
Have you ever traveled out of state with them?: yea, to MD I think
Does this person need medication?: Yes, cuz shecan be slow as hell sometimes! LoL
Does this person have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: she has niggaz on her like crazy
One thing you hate about this person:: how she spends more time wit her friends rather than da fam
Do they speak another language?: um no...
What's one thing they like, that you don't like?: That damn Hello Kitty!!
When is their birthday?: July something...
What's one thing you like, that they don't like?: To eat!!!!! LOL LMAO
Does this person have any kids?: naw
Do you love this person?: I LOVE MY NELLY!!!
About #6
Who are they?: Chanay, 1st cuzzo
When were they born?: June something... she'll be 20; you do da math!
Name one memory you had with them?: Us chillin in VA Beach
When's the last time you saw them?: Like a month ago
Have you ever swam with them?: um no....
Who do they most look like: Their mom or dad?: her evil mother
Do they have any tattoos?: na, cuz we going to get one together
Are they single or taken?: single
Their favorite movie?: who cares? LOL
Where does this person live?: Ballentine in Norfolk
What two words decribe them best?: Sassy and Mature
Do you love this person?: I LOVE CHANAY, and I'm happy she lives here in VA wit da fam again
About #7
Who is it?: My nigg lil Curtis, 1st cuzzo (#6's brotha)
Do they have a myspace?: Yea but he's neva on it!!
Do you know their phone number?: yea but its neva turned on!!!
When is their birthday?: August something...he'll be 18
Do they know your birthday?: he should, but if not I won't b mad cuz I damn sure 4got the exact date of his!! LOL
Do they look like you?: Us Porter's are all sexy... well, most of us!
Where do they work?: McDonald's
Have you ever told them you hate them?: yea, but he knows I was only mad @him
Do they love you?: I know he does
How are you related?: 1st cousins
Describe what they look like:: 5'9, low-cut ceasars wit da deep waves, brown skin...
Do you love this person?: I LOVE HIM SOOO FREAKIN MUCH!!!! Thats my lil boo boo
About #8
Who are they?: My cuzzo BJ... 1st cousin
How old are they?: he should be like 25 or 26 now
Have you ever been fishing with them?: um, no....
Name one good memory you had with them:: the 1st time I stayed @his house
Are they taken?: don't get me to lying...
Do they speak french?: hell no!! Barely speak good English!! LOL LMAO
When's the lastime you saw this person?: Its been soo long... I think @Danielle's graduation 2yrs ago
How many time have they smoked?: too many times 2count
Do they know who the muffin man is?: what the hell is that?
What's their favorite color?: I donno
Who's one person their obsessed with: His kids
Do you love this person?: I LOVE HIM, but I wish I could c him more
About #9
Who is it?: Baby James, 1st cousin
How tall are they?: he is short, thats all I know
When's their birthday?: I donno
Do they have any siblings?: yea, #8 and a sister
Do they have any kids?: he may, I donno!!!
How old is this person?: he should be 21 now
What's their moms name?: Aunt Roberta
Has this person ever broken a bone?: I don't know about a bone, but I know he's broken the law!!! LOL
Name one word to describe them:: BAD!!!!!!!!!
Do they drive?: I believe so
How are you related to them?: 1st cousin; ma's brotha's son
Do you love this person?: I LOVE HIM, but I wish I could c him more
About #10
Who is it?: MY LARKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How are you related?: cousins in the bigggg Skeeter family (my dad's side)
Does this person drive?: yea
What grade are they in?: GRADUATES OF 2007 BABY!!!!!!!!!!!1
Do you know their birthday?: Yea
Have you ever been in the same car as them?: Yea when we going 2his house or mine or 2da mall somewhere
Have they ever had a near death experiance?: I don't think so
When's the last time you saw this person?: @Jasmine's graduation cook-out
Do they have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yea, my homegurl D.D
Who do they look like more: Their mom or dad?: His daddy
How many tattoos do they have?: none yet
Do you love this person?: I LOVE MY LARKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And last, About #11
Who is this person?: My Corey... RIP 03/07/07
How are you related?: 2nd cousins... his ma is my ma's niece...
Do you know what year they were born?: April 10th, 1985
Do you hate anything about this person?: I only hate that he died...so young...
Name one thing you love about this person:: I loved his caring personality, his attitude towards everything... how he was so outgoing
Do you have a nickname for this person?: CJ (Corey Joesph)
Do they get under your skin?: of course not
As a kid, who tourmented who?: we joked around a lot... we were some knuckleheads!!
Do you share the same taste in music?: Yea... he had a talent in rapping... lyrical prince
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RAP, R&B, Hip Hop, Gospel
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Anything scary... I love horror movies... and Don't Be A Menace..., Baby Boy, Poetic Justice, and Forrest Gump... oh yea and all of the Halloween's.. START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which Mean Girls character are you?
Gretchen Wieners
You are sweet, but popular. You think since your father was the one who invented Toaster Stroodle, you are the most popular. At least you aren't like Regina.

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Which Disney Princess are you most like (Pics)

You have a strong sense of family vaule and always strive for their approval. You have a special love of music, dance, and riding.
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Which Horror Movie Killer Are You? (pics)

You're Chucky, the mischievous one of the bunch. You are very determined and open-mided. What you want your guarantee to get it. You dont kill to kill your more strategic and have a purpose. You use anything you can to get the job done. Good for you!
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I LOVE I LOVE NEW YORK!!! I love you Chance!!! And South Park.. yea the show's old, but its still funny!!!!!! LOL.. START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
What type of shoe are you?
pretty with ups and downs :)

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URBAN FICTION!! Addicted, Every Thug Needs A Lady, Street Dreams...a few of my favs



My Blog

Missin you Cuz... I love you Corey R.I.P

God, grant me the serinity to accept the things I cannot change... the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  No matter how hard it is, I know I have to accep...
Posted by EaCh DaY LiKe Ur LasT *RIP Corey* on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 10:00:00 PST