***ALEX*** profile picture


Sometimes the best kind of Learning comes with exploration and someone holding your hand the whole t

About Me

I would like to first like to start off by saying that I loved Grandma's page that she made me. But I'm doing this one for Daddy and I. Since Daddy had to work long hours I thought I should dedicate this page just to him since he is my hero!About me... Well lets see I'm almost 10 months old. Crazy I know. There has been a lot going on in the last 2 months. I started walking at about 8 and half months old. At this point in my life it's old hat now. I walk around everywhere and get into everything. I'm also in what mom and dad like to call "baby jail" a lot more. Downstairs I'm only allowed in the family room. I used to be able to go in the kitchen as well, but.. I like to try and eat the cat food and splash in their water bowl, so now that is a big "no no". Upstairs I'm also in "baby jail". I'm only allowed in the computer room and my room.. all the other rooms are closed and the stairs are off limits. During the day when I'm not getting in to trouble, mommy watches me all day every day. I love having her around, she is better then any Daycare would ever be. I also play with my many toys, I have so many that mommy has to routate them some are out some days and some are out others. If not my whole play area would be filled. I also enjoying eating anything Mommy or daddy have. They give me lots of stuff now, and I'm learning how to eat certain things. A lot of things are still off limits but I'm getting there. At night all I have to do is hear daddy's car pull up and I become so happy, I start bouncing and screaming.. I love having him home with me. We play on the floor a lot in till it's bed time. I finally sleep in my crib by myself with no crying. As soon as I hit the crib I'm out for a good 12 hours in till I wake up fully charged and ready to go again. On my "off time" I enjoying going visiting my other family members.. I have one person that I can't help but love and that is my Grandpa Popovski.. When he is around I could care a less if anyone is around (that includes mommy or daddy).. Maybe it's becouse of the funny accent.. but whatever it is, he is probably my favorite person. Don't get me wrong I still enjoy my other family as well.. They are all great in my book. I also in the last month found out some very good news. I'm going to have a cousin really soon to play with. That is right, Uncle Danee and Aunt Kim are expecting a little guy or girl. Yay, someone to play with! I still like to chase the cats around, but they are now on to my game, and don't come any where near me.. Oh well one day I will be quicker then they are..I'm working on it cartoon layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comMy 1st meeting with Santa! I know who to smile for.. He is the guy the brings lots and lots of gifts for little guys like me!DADDY AND I LOVE TO PLAY!I LOVE THE SAME THINGS AS DAD...... X-BOX!a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"WAITING FOR DADDY TO COME THOUGH THE DOOR!DADDY, MOMMY AND ME!..!


Anything that mom listens too while she is cleaning or driving I listen too.


The best movie is the one with the crazy monkey and that guy with the big yellow hat! I also enjoy the one with the big green guy and the donkey!


Mom and I watch Big bird a lot. I also watch all the ones with singing and dancing in them.


Anything mom will read to me. I love to flip the pages and look that the pictures. I really like the one Grandma got me, it's the best!


I would like to dedicate this page to my daddy. I love him so much. I can't wait till night when he walkes in the door and showers me with hugs and kisses. Without him mom and i would be lost. He does so much for us both, I love him! Daddy is the best hero any little guy could ask for. XOXOXOXOXO..

My Blog

My Great Christmas Wish list...

    So I thought I would do my great christmas wish list since everyone been asking me what I want this year.  Since I'm a little guy there is a lot..  So be warned..  An...
Posted by ***ALEX*** on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 06:25:00 PST

Start of a new journey

Today was a pretty normal day for me.  I woke up this morning around 5 am and  got a bottel from mom and got to say goodbye to dad before he left for work.  I really wanted him to stay ...
Posted by ***ALEX*** on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 06:43:00 PST