hanging out with folk that I love. Having fun. Remembering the good old days. wondering about the future. smiling and moo-pie faceing at my boyfriend. Sex is nice. Talking on the phone. Making up shit/stories about strangers. Making connections, (even the dots). Receiving and/or giving joy. Laughing my fucking ass off at something you said:)
bamboozlers, tree dwellers, long walkers, slinky makers, people from the future, people from the past, MR fluffypants, the dog whisperer, fashionistas, slap happy parka people, hot pant wearing hot mamas, dribbling idiots, lippy shlip shlops, the one in the long scarf, lotsa fling floddlers, skanks, hos, that guy, and your mom.
nellie mckay, talking heads, depeche mode, diana krawl, nora jones, they might be giants, journey, johnny cash, live, weird al, tom jones, bill withers, marvin gaye, beatles, your mom, and all of those fuckers what with their one hit wonders....
the jerk, big lebowski, royal tenenbaums, my cousin vinny, better off dead, the princess bride, your mom, the little mermaid,
scrubs, weeds, daily show, dr phil, iron chef, rachael ray (only b/c I love to hate her) reno 911, anything involving stand-up comedy
anything by Christopher moore, especially lamb: the gospel according to bif, christ's childhood pal, anything by tom robbins, anything by kurt vonnegut, some of anne rice's shit, your mom's diary, how-to books
my mom helen keller jesus