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skate, art, wine, jaffa cakes, guitars (4 & 6 stringers) photography, conversations, psychology, music production, ancient history, physics, cosmology, religion, caligraphy, wood (construction & utilisation) video editing, Spanish, Modern art, business (economical & financial strategies) marketing and promotion, company branding, Parenting (childhood upbringing specifically), creative writing (lyrics/poetry etc), sleep patterns, animal/human interaction, landscape gardening, relocation planning, self confidence techniques, doodling, innovative ideas, music colaboration, rainbows, motivational speaking, health maintenence, voyeurism, freestyle moto-x
People who need help turning dreams into reality.
Current Audios:
see opposite. I'll listen to anything with instruments and a lot of stuff without. I like modern innovative music that is creative and well thought out.
A Scanner Darkly, Primer, The Bourne Series, Hot Fuzz + Shaun OTD, Collateral, Anything by Richard Linklater or Edgar Wright. Films generally send me to sleep. Pump me full of coffee, talk to me lots, sit me upright, keep the lights on and I might make it to the end of the flick. Have been known to fall asleep in the cinema. You have been warned.
BBC news 24, Grand designs, Relocation shows, Jeremy Kyle, Simpsons, QI
Atomised, Nausea, Jpod, nanotales, Streetwise, Wrong about Japan, The Turning, The Average American Male, Born on a Blue Day, Wasting Police Time, Books about writing and creative writing - I'm getting into that recently.
I admire everyone that has the ability to make eye contact and engage in several sentences of thoughtful conversation... and do something that I can't or will never be able to do.