Professor Katch N Kill profile picture

Professor Katch N Kill

-The Revolution Will Not Be Televised-

About Me

I saved the world one time...but now its fucked... MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

music, guitar, video games, girls, drawing, reading, partaking in parteys, music/folk/religious festivals

I'd like to meet:

President George W. Bush so I could slap him in his stupid fucking face...


oh damn...PUnKrOcK/rAp/PSYcHoDELlic/psyChOBilLY/FUNKedOuT/GOSpe L/HIPhop/THRASHmetal/FoLK/BluEGRasS/BLUEs/ElEcTRONicA/jaZZ/L AtiN/ROckNroLL/skA...


Snatch The Boondock Saints Requiem for a Dream Way of the Gun KILL BILL (despite what Carl says) SLC Punk Lord of the Rings Pulp Fiction JET LI Anime


The Boondocks Family Guy Samurai Champloo Cowboy Bebop Robot Chicken The Oblongs Gungrave South Park


Requiem for a Dream 1984 Farhenheit 451 The Bible The Hobbit and generally any Tolkein The Sirens of Titan Dante's Inferno Frankenstein Comic Books

