I Love the people in my life!!!!♥
My Sister Hope:
She is my partner in crime and my best friend. We may fight but it will never break us we are always there for eachother when it counts. We have our crazy childhood memories that keep us laughing still to this day. My personal favorite is our days dressing up in moms old curtains we thought we were so beautiful boy were we wrong but it was fun anyways. Those are the things that I will always remember!!!
My brother Kyle: Know he gives us quite a difficult time sometimes but I fuckin love him to death. He is 20 so he is goiong through a wild stage but its okay cause no matter what we will always love him and be behind him. My words for you are: "live life to the fullest and noone dies a virgin cause life screws us all."
Carson: My fav. person in the whole world. I love this little guy to death he makes everyday worth getting up for. Thanks hope for having him!!!
Special metions to my best friends these people are everything to me.
Tink: One of my closest friends and definately a best friend forever. I have shared some pretty personal things with you and you have helped me through so much. You are the person I trust the most and nothing will ever change that I am sure.But even through all the bad stuff we have so many crazy things between us that will make us laugh or just smile at random times that nobody will ever understand. Thank you for always being there. I hope to someday return the favor. I love you Always ♥
Lindz: I love hanging out with you. You make it so easy to forget about the bullshit and just have a good time. Thanks for all the advice and its nice having someone like you to talk to when others may not understand. I have shared so much with you and you never have judged me. Thank you and I Luv you bitch!
Danna: I love you to death. We can go forever without talking and see eachother and pick up where we left off.Not many people have the kind of friendship we have. I love the crazy nights out, the crazy secrets we have, the long talks, and the nights just laying around not doing anything at all. I want you to know I love you like my sister and I appricate everything you've done for me.
Ben Devine 12/24/04
Roberta Lablanc 9/16/07
♥ Forever in our hearts, we will never forget you. ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The Military definately. They do so much for our country. Their wives,because it is one of the hardest jobs to have. Mothers they bring you soup when your sick and they hug you when your scared. Fathers they protect you and watch over you for your whole life. And friends the true ones cause they are rare. It is hard to meet such a person because these days it seem being true is very difficult. So I guess I look up to many people but it's the people we have all around us that make our today and molds us for our tomorrows.
And Last but not least a special tribute to one of my friends who died in the line of duty. Thank You Sachia Struble I will ALWAYS Remember your sacifices. My thoughts are forever with your family.